The Halfling

Borri sat near the big stone fireplace, his toes warming by the hearth.
He was humming a walking song , thinking that spring was just a few weeks away.
His eyes were fixed on the Big Oak door across the Great room, He was hoping his Cousin from Bree would walk through that door. The last snow
must have delayed his departure. With any luck he would be arriving soon.
He reached into his waistcoat pocket for his pipe.
He inched some pipeweed from a small pouch and packed the bowl of his pipe. Borri took a few steps over to the fireplace, he pulled a reed from over the mantled and pushed it into the base of the fire. Removing it quickly he lit his pipe. A few quick puffs a and a small cloud of smoke wafted around his head. He smiled and moved back to his stool a few feet away. He returned to his vigilant watch ...

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