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View character profile for: Borri Bainfoot
View character profile for: Kailus
View character profile for: Tain Stonefist
A hard decision
Kailus glances at his dwindling purse once more before deciding. Being away from town could have its advantages, and he did need money. This was at least better than serving in some menial capacity.
"Very well." he answered. "Do you have a plan?"
"There are a few options. " Answered the Halfling.
" There is an old abandoned tower a day or two from here,
Where I think the Bandits are hiding out. We could scout it out
and collect herbs for the Innkeepers Wife Bora. She is an herbalist
and a healer." Borri added.
Since you are new to adventuring Kailus, other things always come
Up. That's the best part of Adventures."laughed the Dwarf