
Kailus listened intently, unaware of most of the things that were current in the lands. Wolves / Trolls / Bandits, These were savage lands!

"Has anyone tried to deal with these problems?" he asked. "Surely there is some sort of defensive force that can be called in times of need."
The Halfling laughed" There is no real defensive force, those two hired Northman help protect the Inn. Grumm pays them. Only the Wandering Rangers help protect Rhudaur and they are too few to really
help in these difficult times. " He shook his little head.
"But you and I and this hearty Dwarf could help. And maybe make
A few coins in the process."
His big brown eyes looked deeply a the two newcomers.
He laughed loudly.. " Grumm more drinks for my new friends."

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