Skye Life - No Pets Allowed

Cyd let Mathias sleep until long after dusk. She spent the day in her room, prepping some background tracks for Olin, thinking about the time she spent with Olin, and imagining the next time with Olin. She hoped there would be a next time. He threw incredible parties, but there was something he did even better, she thought, smiling to herself. Besides, thinking about him beat thinking about the fallout from whatever Serena’s latest would be.

Mathias has no idea how long he slept but he woke up feeling sticky and crusty. He hasn't changed, showered or even washed this face. A quick peek told him he still wasn't going to get that shower. He sighed and ran the water in the kitchen to at least wash his face. He figured he was going to slum it in sweats and the first clean shirt he could find and pray for some kids to be playing in a fire hydrant.

Toweling off his face he popped open the fridge which was in a sadder state than normal because he forgot to go food shopping. He had gotten back so late he thought he could get some sleep first. Normally after a good run he hit the grocery store on the way home but his normal ritual got completely messed up. Water and wishes for now it was! He grumbled heading back to the living room to change.

“Feel any better?” Cyd asked him, having changed into more street clothes herself.

Mathias gave a short laugh. “Yea, sleep does wonders, so would a shower but I have to pick my battles.” He said letting out a deep sigh. “I'm sorry I know I was real a bear this morning … early afternoon? You know what I mean.”

“I think you earned the right to be,” Cyd replied. Keeping her voice light. “Serena’s hobo is still in the tub.”

“I pulled two bullets out of that kid and he had a few. More that passed clean through him, not to mention, enough glass jabbed in him to replace a window. All while running a high enough fever I had to ice ‘em. Honestly that kid should be dead right now. That's not even a weird part, he was bleeding like a sieve, that was normal, the blue blood was not.” Mathias said word vomiting about the morning event's. He took a long breath in. “I know we never pried about Serena. Sometimes the past should stay buried. I get that. But the past is now in the bathroom wrapped in twenty miles of gauze.”

“She’s going to have to tell us,” Cyd decided. “A kid wandering the streets, yeah - possible no one will come looking. That’s not a kid. That’s some sort of soldier. A Jagg maybe, I don’t know what, but it needs to get better and it needs to go.”

“He wasn't dressed like a Jagg and Jaggs don't have dog tags.” Mathias added. “Definitely some type of soldier. Maybe they are from the same place I don't know.”

“Where he came from isn’t as important as getting him out, and then we’re going to have a serious talk with her about who she brings home. We have an apartment full of Do Not Pass Go, Go Directly to Jail cards, and we don’t know this guy from Adam’s cat,”” Cyd reminded.

“We hear you!” Serena called. “And I still want a cat!”

“No pets!” Cyd and Mathias said in unison.

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