Skye Life - The Long Road Home

Olin spent half the night by the DJ dias, mostly talking shop with Cyd, comparing mixes, and beat drops, while Cyd brushed her hair behind her ear, and showed him various things that were jury rigged on her bare bones set up. He suggested she come see his ‘amateur’ set up at an even more exclusive after party. Serena rolled her eyes. That was even more obvious than doing laundry.

The party only stopped once, when a man dressed in an official uniform let himself into the penthouse. Olin excused himself, and Cyd watched, scanning the crowd for Mathias’ red jacket, Isaac’s blond shlock of hair and she held tight to Serena should they have to make a hasty exit.

But Olin handled the situation with grace and ease, putting a hand on the man’s shoulder as he walked him outside the Penthouse to talk. When they returned Olin subtly returned a wallet to his inside pocket, and the party continued as usual.

Chi Chi found her man with washboard abs and a chisled chin, one of Olin’s entourage, and Serena, wanting to look grown up, didn’t even find a space to pretend to sleep, so in the early hours of the morning, she trudged home with Isaac and Mathias, her feet her calves aching from Chi Chi’s sandals. Even though they didn’t light up, she was happy to have her own sneakers with the yellow trim back on her feet.

Mathias phone plinked, he slowed his steps checking the message. “Sunrise party.” He said running his finger through his head with a yawn. “You guys in or you good to head home.”

“Where?” Serena asked, wondering who started a party just before sunrise. “What kinda party?”

Mathias looked around “There. Rooftop I think.” He pointed to a fancy and tall condominium in the distance. “It's a sunrise party. Watch the sun rise and drink mimosas. Low key, everyone takes downers to relax.”

“I could use a few downers,” Serena admitted, “Can I change when we’re there?”

“You take a downer and you'll fall asleep and I'll have to carry you home.” Mathias reminded.

“But that’s the best part… you told Cyd I wasn’t too big!” Serena protested.

“Yea but it's Saturday night and Olins in town so I'm going to be completely spun and I won't be heading home till the afternoon.” As if to emphasize his point his phone plinked again. “Case and point.” He said not even looking at the phone. “No downers … at least till you get home.”

“Fine!” Serena agreed, emphasizing the word. “I’ll grab the metro home, Maybe drop off Chi Chi’s stuff at Elysium.”

“Here.” Mathias passed some credits and a Halo to Serena. “Get something to eat and a Halo for when you get into the house. Cyd will probably be back before me so if she asks, tell her I'm still doing the rounds. Might crash a bit on someone's couch depending how long I'll be kept out.”

“Thanks Mathias,” She said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. “Ow! My calves! Why do high heels exist!”

“Trust you weren't even wearing the high ones.” Mathias laughed. “Ping me when you get home if you remember. Go get home. Sleep. Enjoy.” He said with an affectionate hug before heading off to work the parties. No rest for the wicked... but … at least it paid well.

< Prev : Billy Goats Gruff - Settling In Next > : Skye Life - The Hobo