Le Cirque des éléments

Nikita was given permission to escort Olin to Ari’s personal Cirque performance that evening, at Olin’s request. As their business proceedings hadn’t officially happened, Ari was still feeling quite generous, and if his guest wanted just one escort, he wouldn’t be the one to say no. As per his usual, seven girls accompanied him, each vying to get seats closet to Ari to prove their rank on the hierarchy. Others not lucky enough for the coveted left/right spots found it hard to take their eyes off Olin, a fact which Ari was not accustomed to, and not especially fond of. He was, however, willing to sacrifice his ego, if only for one night for the sake of business relations.

Nikita took the elbow Olin gallantly offered, and he escorted the bikini clad woman to their seats, front and center.

The “crowd” consisted of Ari and his seven ‘dates,’ Olin and Nikita, and a few of Ari’s regulars, his entourage of yes men and lesser associates. There was a small theater set in a striped awning tent, a picturesque vintage circus. The tent was adorned with antiques from circus’ past, carousel horse statues, posters, and velvet plush seats were arranged around a single ring. In the backdrop of the tent was an actual circus train lined up in a semi-circle.

Two women, dressed as classic “Playboy” rabbits walked through the small audience, offering popcorn, while two younger women followed, also dressed in animal inspired costumes, offering alcohol laden snow cones and shave ice.

The bunny-girs in particular near gasped when they saw Olin. “Popcorn?” They offered in unison.

Olin gave them a dazzling smile. “My aren’t you a lovely pair, I would adore such a treat from such pretty ladies.” He said accepting the popcorn happily. “Nikita would like some? Or would you rather share?”

“I’m fine with sharing,” Nikita said, still not fully out of her trance with Olin.

He gave Nikita a warm smile. “Thank you … I dod not catch your name my dears?”

“I’m Rini!” The girl with light brown hair exclaimed.

“I’m Rakki!” The girl with the dark brown hair echoed.

“So lovely to meet both of you.” Olin said a popped a pice of popcorn to chew.

“Hope you enjoy the show, Olin!” They said again in tandem, purposefully shaking their bunny tails as the walked to the next guest.

“We have snowcones!” The set of younger girls said.

“Adult snowcones,” the one dressed in red, complete with red panda ears said. “I’m Brynn.”

“What makes this snow cone so … Adult, Brynn.” Olin asked with the barest tilt of his head.

Brynn looked at him the same way a hungry dog eyed a steak out of reach on the counter. “It… uh… Don Julio,” she lowered her voice, “a fancy kind of tequila.” She whispered, so she wouldn’t embarrass him.

“On ice no less … “ Online didn’t say it out loud but that was a fine waste of some fine Tequila. “... maybe a little later? I would adore see the show with a clear head.” He said diplomatically.

“You’ll love it,” Brynn promised. “Especially me and Kiki.” She tried to walk away swishing her tail like the bunnies, but it came across more like she was avoiding a pebble in her shoe.

Olin chuckled think the girl so adorkable, holding out the popcorn for Nikita to try.

Nikita took a few pieces, the truffle oil infused popcorn nearly melted in her mouth, and she rolled her eyes up in her head briefly. “That is amazing!” She whispered, as music started to play.

“Right? You know how hard it is to make pop corn this good? Black pop corn can be really hard to get. Usually only find in in places that grow there own.” Olin said brightly haipply sharing the unique treat.

“Lots of things are grown right here on the island,” Nikita told him. “There’s practically an entire farm on the north side, they made a clearing in the jungle. I do a lot of exploring,” she explained.

“You must absolutely take me sometime. I would love a tour of some of your favorite spots, I might as well enjoy my time here after all." Olin said thoughtfully.

“Guests really aren’t supposed to leave the resort area,” Nikita said, lowering her voice even further, “but I’ll see what I can do!”

“If not i’m sure there are many other delights to serve as entertainment.” Olin nodded.

“You’re only in trouble if you get caught,” Nikita said conspiringly.

Olin chuckled. “My, Nikita, you're more a wildflower than an island flower aren’t you?”

“No snitching,” Nikita said with a warm smile, as she pretended to zip her lips and toss the key.

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