Bombastic pt 19

The noodle bowl was done just as fast as and all Vas could smell was soup and nothing else. He gave a deep sighed, the bowl warming his tired aching hands. He look around motioning for Rabbit to follow so they could eat in relative softly. Feeling more than stuff he sat down barely able to even cross his legs. Now that they had slowed down it was all starting to catch up with him.

“Chow down rabbit. We earned it.” He said tapping the edge of his bowl with hers.

Serena giggled, clinking her bowl to his before taking a long sip of the hot broth. “I knew you’d find a way,” She said, a note of adoration in her voice. “I just knew it.”

“Me?” Vas said voice was muffled since it was full of noodles. “I’d have never known that machine was off if it wasn't for you.” He pointed out. “We're in this together. You ‘n me.”

“We make a good team,” she said, beaming. “I guess you’re right, I’m lucky on account of I found you to begin with.”

“Very lucky. Like those waving cats ‘cept instead of the cat it's a rabbit.” Vas chuckled. “Glad some of that luck rubs off every now and then we totally need it.” He didn't mean to eat so fast, he couldn't help it and in spite of the fact he had vacuumed the food it didn't mean he didn't savor or enjoy every bite. Vas was convinced he was ruined for life now. Vending machine Ramen was his new favorite ever.

Serena speared another carrot, then poked at her bowl, looking over at Vas. “I’m kinda full,” she told him. “But I don’t want the rest to go to waste. You have more room in your belly for more?”

“Don't skimp out on your veggies rabbit. How are you going to grow tall if you don't eat?” Vas tsked.

“I don’t like the green,” she told him, popping the carrot into her mouth. She nudged the bowl to him, nodding her head. “You got more of you to fill up,” She reminded him. “It’ll just get thrown out.”

“I'll eat the green but I want you to fill up first. Dunno if we'll get lucky again so better to be stuffed tonight so you're not as hungry tomorrow.” Vas advised picking out the green stuff Serena had been eating around.

“I am full up!” Serena insisted, patting her stomach. “See?”

Vas gave the girl a suspicious look. “You sure. You're gonna be short, if you eat like rabbits do.” Vas had only been surrounded by Hellhounds and he and his brother had voracious appetites.

“I ate all the noodles,” she reminded him, pushing the bowl towards him. “Sides, you can get another from the broken machine if your mites are still hungry.”

“I'm always hungry. But I don't wanna be greedy either …” Vas said as he polished off the remains of Serenas meal.

“You should get another,” she told him. “Dunno if we’ll get lucky again, an’ how are you gonna grow tall?”

Vas looked at her not sure he likes how quickly she threw his own words at him. “Anyone tell you you're too sharp for your good.” He said, shoulder bumping her.

Serena giggled, made bunny ears with her hands on top of her head and waved them at him. “Rabbits are pretty clever,” She reminded.

“Gotta be to make it this far.” Vas tugged a pigtail before getting up to go to the machine feeling a little guilty to press his luck for another bowl.

Serena was content to stay and watch for him, with her belly full and the humid air, exhaustion was starting to set in. She couldn’t help but smile watching him meticulously make his selection though. “Puppy,” she said under her breath.

Vas looked the part as he eagerly watched the water fill the soup bowl like a kid on Christmas. Fat noodles and veggie and meat filling the bowl. He very much at the moment looked like a little eager pup.

Serena giggled again and settled against the building, trying to find a spot that wasn’t scratchy or that any bugs could use as a hideaway. “Get what you want?” She asked.

“I'm just happy to have food.”he said mouth full before he could even sit down.

“Good,” Serena said, scrunching her shoulders. “You deserve to be happy.”

“Ah just just a long hard day.” Vas said between slurps. “I'm plenty happy. My brothers are waiting, got good food and a rabbit watching my back. I say things are looking up. After I polish this off we look for a place to sleep. More people in the daytime mean a better chance we might get a little help.”

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