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View character profile for: Serena

View character profile for: Vas

View character profile for: Nikka
Team Teen Part 2
Serena sent the message on her phone as she skipped to the candy apple vendor. She dipped out of line for a brief moment, slipping between two tents and returning to the line with a black and pink backpack, which was a super nice touch of Magpies. She ordered three candy apples, 2 with coconut so Vas could pick which one he wanted, then skipped back to find Nikka and collect her cotton candy.
Vas stood holding two, one for him and another for Serena, while Nikka rocked on her heels trying a piece while it was still warm from just being spun.
“ … yes it's really different here. Even the weather obviously. Upside you don't have to worry about things being accidentally spiked with peyote. That still will mess you up …” Nikka babbled to a very patient Vas who was by now fully inoculated to over excited half pints on sugar.
“Candy apples!” Serena said in a sing song voice. “Vas? Coconut or no, I got one of each so you could pick your favorite.”
Vas perked. He liked candy apples way better than cotton candy. Vas traded cotton candy for the candy coconut apple with Serena. The Hellhounds looked between the two treats … and figured it would free up space if he wrapped the cotton candy around his candy apple. With a now, monstrosity of treat combined a flicked the now empty cone that held the cotton into the garbage from a distance.
Nikka watched in fascination at Vas’s new invention.
“Told you he was the best,” Serena said, puffing up taller.
“How …” Nikka said with puppy eyes.
Vas sighed and wordlessly traded with Nikka so he could repeat the cotton candy apple treats for her.
Nikka squealed with joy.
“You too?” He asked Serena, checking before he dug into his sugar loaded treat.
Serena nodded emphatically, handing them both over.
By now Vas had this down and soon the three of them had gotten candy balls with candy apple cores. He passed it back to Serena. Vas tilted his head distinctly remembering Serena not having a backpack. He was going. To question it but the beats of music started.
“Ohoh! The music is starting! Let's get closer!” Nikka said bright leading the way
“Waiting I …” Vas started. “ … I need a leash …”
“Do you know how to shuffle!” Serena yelled over the music to Nikka. “I CAN SHOW YOU!”
“Nope! Show! Show! Show!” Nikka cheered and the music started to pump up.
Serena threw her head back and laughed, taking both Nikka’s hands in hers, showing the girl the foot placement for a basic shuffle, slowing it down one step at a time so she could follow. “Up, back, center, up, back center,” she said. “You don’t really move, see? It just your feet make it look like you’re running.”
Nikka watched and tried to mimic it. She was a little uncoordinated and clumsy but then again she had never shuffled before. Nikka felt awkward doing the move but the beat of the music helped keep time. She nodded mentally repeating Up, back, center, up, back, center …
“You got it!” Serena said, holding on to her so she didn’t shuffle into other dancers. “Keep practicing!” She shouted.
“Okay … okay … it's not so hard once you get into a rhythm.” Nikka said still focusing on her feet placement.
“Look up at me,” Serena said with a bright smile. “You’re too pretty to look down at your feet. ‘Sides I just saw Trick checkin’ you out!”
“Trick? Neck tattoo?” Nikka said her eyes were getting a little big and standing a touch straighter.
“Yeah huh. I’m gonna scoot back a bit, in case he wants to talk to you.” She told her. [i]Or to me, for ‘borrowing’ his Carbon Copy.[/i[
“Kay!” Nikka said bopping to the music but keeping Serena and Vas in eye shot. Vas made an easy marker to find. He was the only one with the look like he was simply tolerating the situation. Like a dog surrounded by toddlers.
Serena went and stood by Vas. Or more like, behind him. Just in case,