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View character profile for: Nike

View character profile for: Tom Bishop

View character profile for: Nikka
Rebel Rebel - Part 2 - Going out/Staying In
“Try to be home by sunrise,” Nike requested. “Cyd or Mathias will probably walk you home. Or take you to breakfast, one or the other. Please don’t let them pay, we’ll use a few of Nikita’s credits if we have to, but we can treat them this time.”
“I’ll let ‘em know. Least we can do if they are playing babysitter.” Nikka said taking a big bite of her chicken. “Nikita was saying we need to use the funds shes sends us more anyway.”
“That’s college money,” Nike said decidedly. “I’ll pick up a few extra shifts and replace what we end up using.”
“You know you can't … make her go to college. She didn't get this job cuz it was totally awesome and amazing but to help us out.” Nikka said, parroting what Nikita had said. “I'm not saying use it all the time but she is working hard to help us and I'm sure it would make her happy to know we use it on occasion.”
“I know, but I want her to at least have the opiton to go to college, if she changes her mind. Or if you want to go. I have no idea what will be going on with Dad. And besides, are you trying to tell me an island paradise isn’t worth it?”
“Oh no, it's so worth it. She is having the time of her life and as soon as I cat I'm so going. Like without question!” Nikka laughed. “Oh no, trapped on a Paradise Island being paid good money and tons of perks … I'll find a way to cope with the agony.”
Nike laughed, “Two more years. For now? You’re stuck with me and Bishop.”
“And my origami.” Bishop added.
“Thank god for the raves!” Nikka smirked.
“Go on, get set, I have the dishes,” Nike said, ticking her head towards Nika’s room.
Nikka did have to be told twice she was off to her room like cats whose tail was on fire!
Bishop turned to Nike. “Date night?”
“You pick the movie, I’ll make the popcorn,” Nike agreed happily.
“Hell yea! I got an urge for some classics tonight.” Bishop beamed help Nike with the dishes first.
“I feel a triple feature coming on,” Nike said. As long as Nikita was with Mathias, he wouldn’t let anything happen. Cyd would keep an eye on Nikka as well. It’d been too long since she and Mathias found themselves with some alone time.
“That is a brilliant idea … how do you feel about horror? Original Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and the remake Dawn of the Dead?” Bishop mused as he scrubbed the pan.
“I’m in,” Nike said with a grin. “May lead to some horror dream walking after.”
“A girl after my own heart.” Bishop paused with a sigh to give Nike a loving look. “You know having a dream walker for a girlfriend makes for the best movie night. It’s a fact. Pretty sure I read about it online.” Bishop joked.
“I could say the same about my dreamwalker boyfriend,” Nike answered, handing him the last dish to dry. “There was a study in the American journal of dreamwalkers, I believe,” she kidded, pretending to be deep in thought about it.
“Oh! How reputable!” Bishop said looking impressed. “It's true though Dreamwalker boyfriends are the most fun. Especially after a marathon movie night.” He said drying the last dish.
Nike laughed, and dotted his nose with the last bit of suds from her hands. “I’ll go check on Nikka, you get the couch set up.” She offered.
Bishop laughed wiping his nose. “I’ll get the movies ready.”