Bombastic pt 17

Serena moved closer to Vas, looking around nervously. She grabbed onto his sleeve, letting him lead the way. “We can try to find someone with a cell,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Vas basked in the sun for a moment. “Whats the matter Rabbit? Never been out before?” He asked looking down at the girl.

“No, maybe, but I was super small,” Serena admitted. “Not at night. Ever.”

“It ain't so bad and remember. You're with me. I’ll bite anyone who gets too close.” Vas promised with a bright smile.

“Honest and swear?” Serena whispered, taking the threat seriously.

“Promise, just stick close okay rabbit?” Vas said full of confidence.

Serena nodded, any closer he’d be wearing her like a backpack. “I will.”

Vas put a lazy arm around the girl's shoulder and they started to trudge forward. He kept his eyes out for anything to make a call before they hit the main drag. He knew the second istreet food smell hit he would be reminded how hungry he was and he didn’t have so much a half credit to his name at the moment.

Another explosion from the building made him jump. He walked a little faster, rabbit in tow.

Serena looked over her shoulder at the collapsing building, “No going back now, I guess,” she said quietly.

“Better than being in the collapsing building,” Vas said making a face as he looked at the building over his shoulder, the thunderous crashing of the building giving out making him shutter.

Serena nodded, leaning her head against him. “Thanks for saving me, Puppy. You could’ve ran an’ no one woulda known.”

“What?” Vas balked at the notion. “No way. I would have known and besides, the job was to get you out. I’m just sorry you're the only one I could get out.” He said stiffly. “You want me to carry you on my back? You look ready to fall asleep on your feet.”

Serena yawned and shook her head no. “I can make it on my own… like a hellhound,” she added yawning a second time. “Sides I’d feel better if I…. If I knew which way we were going.”

“That way.” Vas said pointing to the city lights. “Unless we find a way to call sooner the city is our best bet.”

“Don’t your feet hurt” she asked, leaning further against him.

“A lot more than my feet hurt.” Vas snorted. “But the mission ain't done. So … gotta keep going.”

“On account of the job?” She asked.

“Yea, it’s what I was made for and on account the sooner we get back to sooner we can eat.” Vas grinned. “Don't drag your feet you’ll make yourself trip and you don’t heal up like I do.”

“Cause of the nanomites?” Serena asked.

“Cuz of the nanomites … You know ‘bout nanomites?” Vas asked keeping the conversation going.

“I’m an Erinyes,” she reminded him, as if that explained everything.

“Right.” Vas nodded. “Kinda make us like related aye?” He mused.

“Kinda, ‘cept yours are a lot louder,” she said, covering a giggle. “Don’t you hear it?”

“Naw … not a peep. What do they sound like?” Vas asked curiously as they walked along the road.

“Like Nanomites. They make little scratchy sounds and sometimes they beep. But really really softly. That’s how they talk. Not like words.”

“Yea? News to me. Can all you Erinyes hear our insides?” Vas asked looking toward the lights. It was going to be a long walk.

“I dunno,” Serena shrugged. “Yours is the first one I noticed… and … I can’t ask the others right now.”

“When we get back you can ask. I'm sure there were plenty of Erinyes the Hellhounds got.” Vas said as if it was a fact.

“Maybe,” Serena agreed. “The city looks pretty far. You think we’ll make it?”

“Without question.” Vas said his confidence was rock solid. “It’s just walking, not even running. Well, make it. Let me know if you need a break, you still half my size.” He reminded.

“Yeah, but I was thinking,” Serena said, putting his arm around her shoulder for warmth. “Someone set all those bombs, right? An’ they came in an’ they grabbed all us they could. What if they’re lookin’ for any that got out?”

“Can’t help the one I don’t know. But they won’t take you from me, I’m made of tough stuff pulled us through a burning collapsing building. I admit it got dicey at the end … the last bit of the tunnel was iffy. But I still got a gun and a hell of a hook. No one is taking you from me, not without a hell of a fight.” Vas puffed proudly.

“An’ once we get to Tarter Sauce? That’ll be safe too?” Serena asked.

Vas laughed at the mispronunciation. “Even safer cus there lots and lots of Hellounds. They would be morons to kick open that den.” He said as if that was obvious. “Only thing worse than a Hellhound? Is a pack of Hellhounds! Do you need a break? You can hop on my back and when you catch your second wind you can walk again.”

“Just til I catch my second wind,” Serena said with a nod. “On account of otherwise… I think we should take a break. Taking a break sounds good too.”

Vas knelt and let the kid clamer onto his back. “Well take a full break a little later, I still got pep to my step. Might as well make the most of it.”

“Aren’t you tired?” She asked, climbing on and leaning her head on his shoulder. “Or thirsty? Or hungry?”

“Sure I am. All of those things. All the healing makes ya extra hungry too.” Vas said standing up and continuing to walk his pace a little faster since he didn’t have to worry now about Rabbit keeping up.

“Thanks for not leaving me, Puppy. I hope we can stay friends when we’re at Tarter Sauce,” she said sleepily.

“Tsk. Told you already. You’re my mission and who knows, since you and your own are being targeted they might have you guys stay with us for a while.” Vas assured. “You rest up for now I’ll get us the rest of the way there.”

“You did,” she said with a nod. “An that no one’ll take me from you on account of you’re made of tough stuff, an’ you still got a gun, and…” she paused to yawn, “a hell of a hook.”

Vas smirked and chuckled. “Oh … and I bite.”

“On account of you’re a hell hound!” Serena said proudly. “An’ no one fucks with a hellhound.”

“God damn right Rabbit.” Vas beamed his pace picking up a bit.

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