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Island Girls - Work, Work, Work
Nikita fell into an easy rhythm. It was easy, now that she was much less self conscious. She expected… she didn’t know what she expected, leering maybe, but there was none of that. They weren’t treated like ‘the help,’ but then again, their presence was barely acknowledged, just like Helga had said. Furniture- really pretty furniture, there to serve a function and look nice, but at the end of the day, no one really paid much attention to the sofa, or, she supposed, in these people’s case, the chaise lounge or settee or whatever adorned their million dollar mansions. She’d turn and hold the tray, full glasses would disappear, empty glasses would show up. Everyone was talking about stocks, bonds, offshore something or other, she ignored the majority of it.
After the fifth circuit the girl was back and Nikita was relieved of duty and sent back to sit in wait though this time she was not at the last seat, sort of like going to the back of the line. There were a few more rotations but not enough for Nikita to get another chance to serve.
There was a shift change and Nikita along with the other new girl's were relieved for the rest of the evening.
Nikita’s intention was to go back to her room, take a long bubble bath while texting Bishop and her sisters everything, but a few of the new girls were going swimming, and she didn’t want to look anti-social. Plus, she wasn’t supposed to talk about guests with anyone, but Russian arms dealers? People who bought Maserati's with the same planning she put in buying a bag of apples. See it, want it, don’t look at the price tag… it was insane.
After the night swim, she found herself exhausted, but picked up the phone anyway.
GROUP CHAT FAM >Day one in the books. Huge huge party with fancy rich people food I couldn’t pronounce. Tuxedo bikinis, lol. Lots of rules, but loving it. Hope the lights are back on. Miss u all. < Nikita messaged.
The next day was a rare treat if left over for the new girl. Since they had gotten off so late there was a morning celebration with mimosas and some of the hors d'oeuvres from last night's party.
"Enjoy it, bet you never had a thousand dollar plate of finger food before." Klara chuckled.
"We'll have a proper celebration tonight, so don't wear yourself out too much." Jasmine said brightly.
Nikita tried everything, no matter how weird it looked or was pronounced, but expensive as it was, none of it compared to Bishop Barbecuing on the beach. Everything to him was described as a secret family recipe. Chicken with store bought BBQ sauce? Secret family recipe. A hint of homesickness hit her, but that was also why this was so important. Having a home, on the beach, their home in Cali Beach to go back to. Hell, if she earned enough, they might not have to worry for a while. And… since it was her money, she could make Nikka room with Nike. Having your own room was the best!
The day was long and there seemed an endless list of things to do. Thankfully it was one of those go find something and look busy, no, they always directed on what to do. And being new Helga was always watching and guiding. Never run, walk with elegance and purpose, stay close to the wall and make way for guests, it was all learned on the go but the rules of etiquette seemed endless.
The whole day had been serving cocktails to guests or bringing something they had forgotten from their room. Nikita has even gotten trapped in a room as drama unfolded right in front of her. The couple were speaking what should only assume was Russian and from the way she was waving around a phone certain assumptions could be made and the husband had gotten busted. Things were being thrown around, there was yelling, crying and Nikita was able to escape before they kissed and made up.
After she was done there was still the celebration for the new girl's she had to attend after dinner.
Even with the mandatory sun-screening, Nikita was starting to get a bit of her bronze color back. Not quite Cali sun kissed yet, but she had a decent enough base and she was hoping that meant easing off the bronzer. She sent off a quick message to the family before heading out to the party.
GROUP CHAT FAM >Party tonight for the new Island Girls. Mandatory. Don’t wait up, will send details tomorrow. < Nikita messaged. Like Helga suggested, she left ithe phone iin her room for safekeeping. Being caught looking at your phone, rather than 100% attentive during work hours was a huge don’t, and that was the hardest part, learning to not be so attached, especially when a lot of island guests were absolutely glued to theirs.
The party had food, fireworks and music. Happy workers meant hard workers. There was definitely a work hard party with just as hard a vibe. Even on their off day there was something employees could do so they were never confined to their room or just the resort.