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Island Girls: Spray Tans, Standards, Spoiled!
The next day was another early day. Nikita was scrubbed, lathering in creams and lotions until she smelled like a tropical island. She was fitted for her first bikini which honestly left little to the imagination and Nikita soon learned there was a lot more in evolution then slapping a bit of clothes over her bits. There was a balance between uniformity and making the girls look good - colors matched or complimented each other, coordinating with whatever Ari wore. He refused to have what he called a playboy bunny approach, everyone in the same thing would give his guests less variety to look at. Today, everyone was in white to match Ari’s linen shirt. Since they couldn't exactly wear a bra with their bikinis, all girls were given special pasties that did all the work of a bra and were perfectly hidden underneath the scant fabric. Tape was added to keep the bikini bottom strategically in place, so it showed enough, but not too much. “Something for the imagination,” Helga would say.
While most of the time she would be barefoot, again to really drive home the Island girl look, she and the other new girl were fitted with a variety of different outfits, shoes and style of bathing suits that would be added to their work wardrobe. Before she knew it was lunch. After it was more information about rules and regulations, even how to walk and maintain just the right smile. Some of the girl's laughed but Helga pointed out smiling too broad all day would be exhausting. So using a bright but small smile would be much more efficient and less tiring. After they went through a dry run of what their morning routine would be like from now on.
It started with hair, Nikita had a simple over.the shoulder braid, decorated with flowers. Her face would get cleaned and lotioned followed by a full body make up and then facial make up.
Each had a little sticker they could place on them discreetly to remind them when to come back to the spa for a sunscreen spray down to protect their skin. It looked like a small daisy, and when the last petal faded, it was time to reapply. No one wanted to see sunburn, let alone the dreaded peel that would follow. Girls that let themselves be sunburned were hidden away and not paid until their skin returned to showroom status. It was considered damaging the merchandise, and could result in not only a loss of pay but a fine, no one was there for a vacation. At the moment Nikita and the other girl looked like they were ready to walk down a damn runway.
It was finally dinner which marked the end of the day for Nikita.
"Look at you, you're looking more and more like an Island Girl." Jasmine complimented.
Nikita spun around. Their on staff hairdresser had given her a balayage, her green hair infused with complimentary shades of blonde and brown that fanned out around her. She stopped to strike one of the six poses they were shown to be the most flattering earlier that day. “Bring ‘em on,” Nikita said confidently. “I am ready!”
Jasmine laughed clapping. "You know you've worked here too long when you start using those poses off the island. Nothing like being in a Starbucks, ordering a latte and striking a pose when you say 'thank you'. You're going to do great."
Nikita giggled. “I think Bishop would disown me if I stepped foot inside of a Starbucks, but I hope so. Three months and beyond!”
Jasmine smiled. "Everyone's got standards. But this is just the beginning, just stick with it, it might feel overwhelming at points but it's all brand new and remember we have all been there. Plus you're going to get spoiled walking barefoot all the time."
Nikita’s hair hung like silk down the back of her neck. “I think I’m already halfway to spoiled,” she admitted, taking a selfie.
GROUP CHAT FAM > Spray tanned and my first balayage, but I love it! Wish me luck on my first day! Miss u all. U most Nikka < Nikita messaged.