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View character profile for: Dogo

View character profile for: Cain

View character profile for: Mal

View character profile for: Kimura
BGG - Picture Perfect
“Finding him sure but getting near him is another matter.” Cain said sitting back.
Dogo was lost among a blur of pictures.
“I think the next question was no one was dropping Carbon Copy because it’s hard to get or was someone dropping it at another rave or was out Canyman just selectively selling? You like … preorder or something.” Cain suggested.
“Anything yet on pigtails?” Mal asked his brother.
“I have a profile of her but that's it. That tech is good. I’m going through Social media seeing if I can get more. If i can I might be able to composite.” Dogo murmured.
“Tech like that isn’t cheap, not something you see every day in the sprawl,” Mal said matter of fact.
“No, she might not be a sprawler. Make more sense having a pitbull in her corner.” Cain said thoughtfully.
“I don’t have any good shot to composite well need more time, more photos. Get names. Real names. Then we might be able to properly sift to dig out profiles.” Dogo said offhandedly.
“You heard him.” Cain beamed at Mal. “Right we all heard that? More raves? A lot more raves.” Cain cackled.
“Thats no-” Dogo balked but Cain interrupted.
“No taksies backsies!” Cain said quickly.
“Kimura already got us invites,” Mal said in a sing-song voice. “Cut off some jeans, because tonight, we’re hitting the north side.”
Dogo made a face.
Cain couldn’t be happier.
“Do I g-” Dogo started
“Yes.” Cain said please as punch.
“Bu-” Dogo tried.
“Shaddup.” Cain said firmly. “Is it tonight? Are we going tonight?”
“Make sure your glasses are charged. Tonight is the North side of town, hopefully this time without another post-rave, AC-17 incident.” Mal told them. “This morning, three bodies were found in an alley. Incinerated. Whatever it was melted brick on the side of a building. Think about that for a minute. Melted Brick.”
“Temperatures would have to exceed 1800 Fahrenheit. Do we have photos?” Dogo asked.
“I knew you would know that.” Cain said shaking his as if disappointed.
Mal cued up photos on his tablet, dropping them to each of his brothers. “I’m going to keep in mind that the brick may have been a clay compound resembling brick, but analysis hasn’t come back yet. The bodies naturally - not identified. Possibly undocumented.”
“If this guy is melting brink even if that brick where a cheap ceramic compound you still talking about 1200 or so Fahrenheit. That means these bones, whats left of them are going to be heavily damage. Look at that …” Dogo said fascinated. “The scorch marks …” He murmured trailing off.
“Not all of use have a the keen power of your perception Dogo … use … words …” Cain said slowly.
“What about the scorch marks?” Mal asked, trying to make sense of what his brother was inferring.
Dogo flung the pic to the main screen his pen drawing lines on his table that reflected on the big screen. “This was not a long sustained fire. Whoever did this was not standing there blasting super hot fire for an hour. This was a single very hot and powerful explosion. See how it reaches out?” He explained drawing the lines out highlighting them. “Here's the kicker … look where there isn’t a scorch mark.” Dogo draw a circle in the center. “Who ever was there? The one in the center. They were at the epicenter but I don’t think they themselves exploded, like there power isn’t the power of explosion. None of it’s uniform for that it’s … like … uneven? And it reaches to far up … ” Dogo trail off again thinking. “ … so weird.” He zoomed out looking at the surrounding area. “What this guy … or girl. No judge. Did … it was pretty volatile. Look here but everything outside of it was blown back. And out guy … or girl who doesn't have explody powers … walked away from it.”
“What makes you think they don’t have explosion powers? That looks pretty area of effect to me,” Mal asked.
“From the examples we seen in the past if they were exploding radially the explosion is from every direction including downward. There would be no buffer between the person and the explosion. This had a buffer zone, I think … It kinda looks like there was a gas leak and it exploded.” Dogo admitted.
“So we’re looking for someone with bad gas,” Mal said. “In other words, Cain.”
“Cept Cain isn’t also the ignition.” Dogo pointed out.
“Just to be clear we don’t have any long lost brother and or sister. Right?” Cain asked looking to Kimura.
“Definitely not.” She assured.
“Well boys,” Mal said, whistling through his teeth. “We have our work cut out for us.”
“No shit.” Dogo snorted. “I’ll keep looking into this …”
“You still going to the party.” Cain said tartly.
Dogo groaned.