Billy Goats Gruff - Let's Go To The Tapes

After a nap and another pot of coffee, Mal and the boys sat at the kitchen table in their shared apartment, each with a tablet, a notebook and various paper strewn about. They were pouring over footage from the rave the night before.

Kimura had provided each of them with trendy raver glasses which lit up in time to the music, but also delivered a live feed back to a database, which they could now, without blaring music and interruptions, study.

Mal started with his own footage, slightly disgusted with himself at the amount of times his eyes roamed to some of the more scantily clad raver bunnies. Slightly, but not entirely.

Cain tilted his head. “Hey at least you have good taste …” He said with a broad grin.

Dogo just did that thing where his just slightly shook his head exasperated.

Kimura, who seemed to know where this was going was crunching on popcorn in the back.

“And I got numbers,” Mal said proudly. He glanced over at Dogos tablet, which already had multiple screens open, meticulously watching each. “One at a time might give you a better vantage point, no?” Mal said, nudging his brother.

“An actual vantage point would give me a better vantage point.” Dogo said eyes glues tot he screen rapidly moving form one to the other, finger quickly tapping for screen shots. “You realize you looked at cleavage more then there face Mal. You need me to make a tally?”

“So you got numbers? Where they cute? Obviously they were cute. But how cute?” Cain asked Mal sitting up.

“This is way better then TV.” Kimura chuckled.

“You can come next time, TL,” Mal said, raising both eyebrows. “We got Saran Wrap in the kitchen, so there’s plenty for you to wear.”

“Nono … it’s way more satisfying watching you three. Please carry on.” Kimura said with a innocent smile.

“You heard the lead.” Mal said, tapping his fingers on the table. “Less talking, more looking. Especially you, Dogo.”

“The more you talk the less you're looking.” Dogo said not bothering to look up.

Cain chuckled. “Oye Mal look at her …” He said holding up his tablet to Mal. It was a girl with micro skirt, paw pasties and light up kitty ears, her hair bleached and wild. “... isn’t she …”

“ …. Psychotic. She was literally making cat noises and was rubbing her ass on anyone one who paid attention to her like a feral cat in heat. Don’t make me stage an intervention.” Dogo said offhandedly.

Cain looked at the girl again made a face. “And swipe left …”

Mal chuckled. “Don’t worry, Cain, we’ll find your true love.”

“Sure hell aint the ass rubbing pussy cat.” Cain snorted.

“Just claim you’re allergic …” Dogo teased.

“Let’s focus,” Mal chastised, mostly because the Lead was there, and he liked to at least look responsible

< Prev : Cali Crew - Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word