Bombastic Pt 12

Serena looked over the side and scowled.

“Yes it’s a long way down and I didn't bring rope.” He said walking over to check the other side. Hell he would settle for a plushy bush to land on at this point.

“I didn’t bring any rope either,” Serena said, as smoke inked its way from behind the stairwell door. “What’s gonna happen?”

“If we don't figure a way down? Depends. If the fire gets worse? You'll die of suffocation from smoke inhalation long before the fire gets to you or … if the fire gets real bad, the building might collapse and if the fall doesn't kill ya the fire will.” Vas explained offhandedly looking down to see if there were any remnants of a fire escape.

“So… we jump,” Serena said dejectedly. “An’ hope.”

“I mean … you're welcome to. But I'm working on something a little more sensible. Side’s there isn't anything soft to land on … not even a pool … I would so jump into a pool.” Vas muttered that last part.

Serena nodded. “We have a pool, only it’s inside. I don’t think that does you any good.”

“Nope.” Vas sighed looking down at the crazier side of the building. It wasn't the most stable but … it made for an easier climb. “I think we're going to have to climb down.”

“Like hellhounds?” Serena asked.

“It can't just ever just be easy … what's the point of a fire escape at this point.” Vas complained. “No, let's cheap out of the safety part …” He huffed. “... This is the sucky part of doing what Hellhounds do. We never catch a break.” He started to toss off anything unessential. It was a long way down and he needed to unload, and gain more ease of movement.

Serena did the same, and seeing as she had nothing to unpack, finished earlier. “I’m a good climber,” she promised him.

“Yea? It's a long climb … are you sure you can handle it?” Vas asked with a quirked eyebrow.

“I’m…. I’m sure,” Serena said with a nod.

Vas paced. “I can put you on my back again …” He pointed out. Va was confident in his abilities but the kid wasn’t even a puppy and she was half his size.

“It’s okay.” Serena told him. “Down is easier n’ up. You just gotta watch where you’re stepping s’all.”

Vas let out a sharp exhale through his nose. “Fine. But if you get tired you gotta let me know. We're not getting this far only for you to have a slip and long fiery fall.”

“I will,” she said, crossing her heart. “Promise, honest and swear.”

“Alright. You wanna catch your breath or do you want to give this a go now?” Vas asked, peering over the edge. Man, he wished he had some rope.

“Let’s go ‘fore I lose my nerve.” Serena said, looking over the side. “And ‘fore anything happens to the building.”

“All facts. I can lead the way, take your time. Don't rush. Okay? More important that we get down in one piece, not fastest.” Vas stated aloud.

“I can follow you for sure,” Serena assured him, ringing her hands. “An’ get down in one piece. “

He gave the girl another critical look. Vas had a feeling he was going to have her on his back pretty quick. But he has been wrong before and if it meant less weight to carry for even part of the climber down … it would be easier in the long run.

“Following your lead,” she told him.

“Just be careful and I'll keep close.” He promised sliding ginger over the edge, a foot trying to find purchase in the crack. He tested his weight first before starting to move down, taking his time trying to find the more stable spots.

Serena did the same, though Vas would be peppered with small rocks and debris as she made her way down. Her knees and elbows were scraped, her hands bloodied from the jagged surface, but she didn’t want to let the hellhound puppy down.

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