Big Brother Bishop

Nikita slipped out of her shoes before entering the condo slightly after the sun came up. As quietly as she could, she closed the door behind her and crept towards the kitchen for a glass of water. It wasn’t so much a hangover as it was a lack of sleep and a feeling of sleep deprivation.

"You were out late." Bishop said with a yawn as he ambled into the kitchen. "Did you at least get something to eat?"

Nikita almost jumped out of her skin, but tried to play it cool. “Yeah, plenty,” she said, finding his yawn contagious. “Just… lost track of time is all. Lights are still out?”

"Yea well … It's not an easy decision. Pay the electric bill, have no money for the way back home. Don't pay the electric bill and be forced to go back while everyone is still whipped up with Altered Carbon McCarthyism." Bishop explained. "You should have called."

“One Nike is enough,” Nikita said dryly.

"Hey, this isn't about having more than one Nike on you or anything. A simple 'I'm alive still' would be just fine. Nike will huff and puff because she is the eldest sister and that's what they do but she won't be pacing around like a nervous wreck and it makes the rest of our lives easier." Bishop explained. "So … much … easier."

“Sorry” Nikita chuffed. “Hopefully it’ll be even easier soon.”

"Well that's cryptic and vague." Bishop replied, quirking an eyebrow.

“I might have a job, but it involves a little travel,” Nikita admitted. “Pay is great, and you know… strike when the iron is hot, it’s an adventure. I could use some back up in that it’s a good idea…” she prompted.

"You don't." Bishop said confidently. "Work is work and none of us can be too picky at the moment and you are old enough to start making decisions on your own. That also means not letting your over protective sister gray early either." He teased. "So tell me about this hot new lead of yours?"

“A few girls I met, it’s kind of like modeling, you know, like those women at the car show who stand next to the Lamborghini. And that technically means I’d be working with cars, boats, things like that,” she said, keeping it vague. “They think I have the look, and really, I stand around a lot now and don’t get paid for it,” she said with a grin. “And the pay is kind of a big deal. My first check would cover the lights here and in Cali Beach, so you all wouldn’t be stuck. Win win,” she told him. “And the traveling could be good. I mean, give me a little break and give everyone a little break from me. Plus? Adventure,” she said nodding sagely. “But I’m not going to tell Nike until I have the job. No need to spark a fight for nothing.”

"I … don't disagree. Not about the whole bedding break from you but the whole adventure. It sounds like an opportunity and I mean if you get to travel like you said. Adventure. You can't buy that kind of life experience and it's stuff lots of people want to do but never do. Just don't do it all for the money, do it also cuz you want to." Bishop prodded the girl. "Just be ready to be quizzed to death about it from Nike when you nail this potential job down."

“So you’re saying my original plan of leaving a note and sneaking out in the middle of the night would be…. Bad?” Nikita teased. “I’m excited for it, not just for the money. I’m trying not to get my hopes up, but internally? I’m already packing my bags.”

"Like road trip, hunt you down, rampage across Arkangel bad." Bishop laughed. "Good, you want to go get it. Live it up while you can. A little independence never killed anyone and you're not stupid. Just young." He smirked. "Seriously I do hope it shakes out, we all could use a little good news come our way. We'll all be cheering for you."

“Thanks, Bishop,” she smiled, knocking her shoulder into his.

"Then you can make everyone super jealous of all your amazing adventures that'll you'll have to tell us when you get back home." Bishop grinned.

“I’ll make a scrapbook,” Nikita promised, beaming.

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