Mathias Got Mugged Part 1

Mathias shuffled in, keeping the light off just in case someone was home and asleep. Nothing ruder than getting woken up after a rave with a face full of light. He tossed the ic in the freezer to slow down its transition to water, tossed his jacket onto an empty chair, and headed to the bathroom to clean and patch himself up.

“Heya Mathias,” Serena called, hopping out of bed and trying not to look guilty. “What took you so long?”

Mathias just gave a non-committal grunt as he locked the bathroom door. “Go back to bed. I won’t make too much noise.” He said trying to kick off his shoes. There was no way in hell he could bend over without falling.

“I gotta brush my teeth yet,” she told him. “An’ you gotta tell me how it went with Bishop and the Nickelodeon girls.”

“After, I really could use a shower. It’s been a long night.” Mathias said dumping the first aid supplies on the pittance of a counter around the already crowded sink. “We can do a tell all after some sleep.”

“I’ll make you a sandwich at least,” Serena offered. “C’mon, Cyd’s not here, how often do I get Mathias only quality time? You can even take the bed, on account of if she’s with Olin, who knows how long they’ll be going at it. I hope she’s using protection. If not, you’re not allowed to take Mr. Wacky to him. He would have one beautiful baby though I bet,” she prattled.

Mathias rubbed his temples swallowing hard. The beach just seemed to spike with every high, note Serena hit. “Sure … after. After a shower.” He said trying not to snap at the kid. Reminding himself she was just trying to help. To not let his frayed nerves and bruised face do the talking. Taking it out on her just for being in close proximity helped no one and would just make his bad night even worse.

“Okay. Can I brush my teeth first?” She asked.

Mathias let out a frustrated sigh. Why could she be a teenager at this moment and be dead to the world asleep? Not like he could hide it, not with all of them piled on top of each other. He just thought he would be better equipped to handle it after some sleep and a shit ton of drugs. “Yea. Sure.” He said unlocking the door. “Just be quick kay?”

“Like a rabbit,” she promised, letting herself in. “Mathias! What happened?” She gasped, catching sight of her brother. “Who? What? Are you okay!” She squealed in rapid-fire succession.

Mathias put both hands up, the skin up one arm an angry red. “Serena, please, volume.” Mathias said calmly. Probably way calmer than he should be, he did get a look at himself in the mirror and it wasn’t pretty, his face alone had a swelling back eye and a split lip. That wasn’t taking into account everything else that was currently screaming at him. “I’m fine, just tired and a bit hungry …”

“What happened!” She whispered, her eyes wide with worry.

“Nothing you need to worry about. It was handled, I promise.” Mathias assured.

“Should I call Cyd? I’ll call Cyd,” Serena offered, keeping her voice a whisper.

“No! No, it’s fine. Everything is fine. I’m fine. We don’t need to be make such a fuss over it.” Matthias siad quickly. “You haven’t brushed your teeth.” He said trying to bring the conversation back on track.

“But you’re hurt!” She reminded him. “I’ll go get Vas, he can help, like you helped him!”

“Hey, seriously. I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle okay. It's not a big deal, brush your teeth so I can shower. Okay?” Mathias said firmly.

“Okay,” Serena agreed, grabbing her toothbrush. “You go shower, an’ then me an you will talk.”

“Hmm hmmm.” He said shooing the girl out. For once, a cold show was a welcomed relief to his ached and when he got up he got to tend to his wound. There was nothing much he could do about the split knuckles. He put ointment to soothe the burns on his arm, something was hurting a shit ton on his side the spreading bruise was making it obvious. He didn’t take chances and wrapped it, he did the same for his wrist which was bruised and swollen. He fished around for some pain pill but the bottle was empty.

Mathias sighed, he figured tonight would be an exception and he was within his right to take something stronger. The bed was a brilliant idea. He didn’t think he could sleep on the lumpy couch and not wake up worse.

Now in cozy house clothes, he yawned back into the living room and checked his jacket, yea that was going to need fixing. The one sleeve looked like it took the brunt of it, and had been very obviously burned, There wasn’t going fixing. It would need outright replacing. Tomorrow is definitely a tomorrow problem. He fished out some pills and a Jay from an inside pocket.

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