Bombastic Pt 10

Serena didn’t think you couldn’t use your mouth just because your arms were working, but then again, he was saving their asses, so it was probably best to listen. Another explosion sent a burst of scalding hot air up the elevator shaft, and the whole building rumbled. Startled, Serena couldn’t help but let out a sharp yelp.

Vas winced at her yelp making his ear ring. They swung wildly over the abuse as the cable shook with the building. Vas grips the cable tight , his glove shredding and the brought cable biting into his hand. One the rumbling stop and once they were stable again he reached out to the lease with a foot. By now he was pouring sweat as he struggled to pry open the elevator door.

Serena reached up to try and help with the door, or at least hold onto the ledge. If it inadvertently helped to relieve some of the dead weight on his back, that was a side effect, but not the plan itself.

Vas strained as the door creaked, he levered himself using a leg the door stuck pretty good. With some maneuvering he managed to unclip Serena.

“I think I got it wedge open enough for you to slip though …” Vas said grip on Serena and the door firm.

“What… what about you?” She asked, her voice panicky.

“One problem at a time, rabbit.” Vas grunted, wedging his arm between the doors to keep them open.

Serena crawled throgh the door then looked for something, anything to help pry the door open. “Hang on!” She told him, frantically looking around.

More thick black smoke plumed up through the elevator shaft, the fire below devouring the new oxygen from the opened door.

Vas coughed and wheezed as he struggled to fight to make the door wide enough for him to wiggle through. “Stupid damn … dented …” He coughed. “ … open up!” He growled teeth gritted.

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