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View character profile for: Moon Eun-Ji

View character profile for: Choi Yeong
Resume the Search (2)
JP with Choi and Eun-Ji
Murder Site 2 - San Francisco, CA
Eun-Ji was equally at a loss at the second investigation site. There was nothing that the briefing from the police data, nor the environment, contributed that would seem to be of use to the enigmatic path the decoded journal entry had already set them on. It had just been a waste of time, aside from being able to have the peace of mind that she looked.
While Choi went off looking, she answered her cellphone and started having a conversation about something much more interesting than their current situation. She seemed pleased with whatever the conversation was about.
When asked for her opinion, Eun-Ji came over to look at the trees. She wasn’t very familiar with Californian plant life and so hadn’t even noticed that the trees he was referring to were indeed twisted in a way that was different than other trees in the area. “Compared to the similar looking ones over there, No.”
She complimented Choi’s find in her head, not out loud. “What do you think could have caused this?” Was it purely environmental conditions or something more eldritch in nature she wondered.
Yeong thought of past encounters aside Master Park. It seemed that the eldritch would often distort the natural in some way. In Choi’s mind, something evil this way came.
“I am not specifically certain,” Yeong replied. “I have never seen trees distorted in such a way. However, I do know evil sources often distort what is natural. Whatever it was, it is dangerous.”
He hoped that what he had said would have no affect upon Eun-Ji’s resolve. Up to this point, she was determined, even driven in her mission.
Eun-Ji couldn’t help but do a quickly turnaround to look more closely at their surroundings. She was looking for any threats based on his comment, but was simultaneously trying to look calm. It was a facade she used when on a hunt with her older brother; inside she felt anxious but she couldn’t let others see.
With a growing desire to leave the scene, Eun-Ji thought it a good time to bring up her conversation with David. “Or just poor nutrients from the soil?” She murmured, but knew that wasn’t the case.
“My contact was able to locate the house address for the charmed sisters.” She changed the subject. “I will give you three guesses where it is located, but you should surely only need one.” It was right smack on top of the intersection of the ley lines.
She made a gesture to let’s get going.