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View character profile for: Moon Eun-Ji

View character profile for: Choi Yeong
Resume the Search (1)
JP with Choi and Eun-Ji
Chinatown and Murder Sites 1&2 - San Francisco, CA
Eun-Ji slid out and stood from the table, straightening out her dress. She answered cryptically to his question, “Yes.” Her tone was precipitating mischievousness and simultaneously keeping Choi at a disadvantage. It was a power play, keeping her cards close to her chest. It occurred to her that there current partnership may not always be so, and there may come a time where she would need an advantage over him.
Eun-Ji proceeded out of the establishment. She paid for her meal using the card David provided her with and thanked them for their delicious dish and hospitality. She then proceeded out the entrance and waited for Choi to catch up.
They walked to the first crime scene. There wasn’t much in regards to talking, she spent almost the entire trip on the phone with David. She was setting him up to do the research on the sisters for them. As well as getting directions and a briefing on what was already known about the crime scenes. She did share this information with Choi.
The first crime scene proved uneventful and unfruitful, even with her lucky tendencies they came up empty handed. Perhaps the second crime scene would be more informative.
When Eun-Ji got up and began to walk toward the front of the establishment, Yeong, at first thought she was trying to ditch him as she did earlier. Yeong quickly got up and paid for his food, leaving a nice tip.
As Yeong had expected, they didn’t learn anything from the first scene. The trail was cold. It was too public of an area. Too many energies had walked through since the incident, as it was no longer closed off.
As they approached the second scene, Yeong didn’t believe they would find much there, either. However, an eerie feeling grasped his senses from the moment they arrived.
Not finding much, Yeong shifted to his sense of balance. Something was not right. He gazed around them and saw the issue. There was a wooded area that seemed off. Walking to a twisted and gnarled tree, Yeong reached out to touch it. He saw several other trees in the same manner.
Turning to Eun-Li, Yeong queried, “Does this look natural to you?”