Crime Scene#1 Investigation

**Includes Lumina and Corinth**

Corinth was standing in the lobby talking to a receptionist when Lumina came down looking worse for wear. It was clear she was tired, but they were on the clock and time was not on their side. He looked her up and down and almost felt a little sorry for her. Almost.

“Alright chief, what’s the plan," she asked stifling a yawn.

Tossing her the keys to the rental car. "We go to work."

The car was a deep red Nissan Maxima. Fitting for a team of Templars. When they got in, Corinth pulled out his phone and began scrolling through some files. The blue light illuminated his face in the dark car. He told Lumina the address and settled into his seat as she pulled away.

"I won't subject you to all scenes in one night, but we need to get one of them under our belt as quickly as possible. Any evidence that was there has already been severely compromised and is going to be hard to find or work with. I need you to be awake and focused." He looked over to her before looking back at his phone. "These things tend to attract other factions who may or may not have already visited the scenes. Keep your eyes and ears open. If anything seems questionable, log it."

Pulling up to the location of the woman who was killed by needles, or at least that is what the file suggested, Corinth exited the car and immediately surveyed the scene. It was dark, just like it was when the woman walked these streets. City life was still audible, but it wasn't going to be a distraction. Shutting the car door he walked to the sidewalk and looked around again.

"Like a needle in a haystack," he thought to himself and then chuckled at the irony. "Split up, look around, take pictures, or do whatever it is you 'Locks do in times like this."

Corinth moved away to give Lumina some breathing room. He wasn't going to micromanage her. She was a Warlock for the Templars, chances were she knew how to do her job without needing him to guide her along the way. It was time to see what she could do.

Moving over to the location where the body was found, he kneeled down and began looking around. He looked for anything that was out of place or stood out. Something that must have been missed by the mundane authorities. Once finished there, he moved over to the grassy areas and then to shrubs, bushes, and the twisting trees that lined the sidewalk.

"Come on," he said to himself as he searched. "There's got to be something here." The buzzing in his head had gotten progressively louder and that usually meant one of two things: a threat was right around the corner or there was something he was missing. Or maybe three things...both.

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