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View character profile for: Choi Yeong
Good Morning San Francisco
Choi Yeong awoke early in the morning. It wasn’t bright and early, as it was only 5:00 and the sun hadn’t risen yet. Of course, if it had, Choi wouldn’t have seen it in his underground safe house.
He took a few moments in the lotus position. He did his slow methodical routine of centering himself in preparation for the day ahead. There were no visions or pictures entering his head. All was calm and peaceful.
Upon breaking the meditation, Choi brushed his teeth, then turned on the smart TV. He brought up one of best resources available in searching for weird occurrences: YouTube. He entered the search command for strange events in San Francisco.
One of the videos caught Yeong’s attention. Apparently, a cryptid called mothman has been seen in the city. The last was at San Francisco University where a student was found sting to death by bees. Gaia?
If this young lady he was to help be successful was going anywhere, it would be there. So, Choi Yeong got dressed in black joggers and footies. He pulled a loose fitting black T-shirt over his head, then slid his feet into a pair of black apikas. Lastly, Yeong slipped a pair of nunchucks into the back of his pants at the small of his back. It would be concealed there.
Yeong decided to get breakfast before heading to the university. He decided upon Sutter Street Cafe. He decided upon an omelet, stuffed with cheddar cheese, avocado, roasted peppers, tomatoes, and mushrooms. While he waited for it, Choi calmly sipped his tea and twirled the Dragon ring upon his finger.