Practice Makes Perfect

Choi Yeong was near the end of sparing against Park Ho, the man who had been disciplining him in the arts of DahnMuDo and Taekwondo. They had faced each other with dangpa (a trident weapon), the hyeopdo (a polearm type weapon with a 25 inch curved blade), and the bonguk geom (the national sword of Korea).

Afterwards, it was training in jedok geom, a style of fighting involving two swords or geoms, one being a shorter waist sword. Park Ho had trained Yeong well, so well, the student was near teaching the teacher. He was a talented fighter.

Both had scored hits on the other. Thankfully, because of their skills, each wore the padded gambeson suits for protection.

Throughout, Choi had shown his parkour skills as well. Park Ho knew his skills, which gave him an advantage. Ho still had not revealed all the skills he knew. So, when Choi ran up a wall, doing a back flip, Ho stripped both swords from Yeong’s grip with two quick moves.

Choi could have accepted defeat. That wasn’t his way. With fluid motions of the Sundo technique, stimulating his ki. He forcefully thrust a flat open-hand punch forward towards Park Ho. Even though he stood three meters from Park, a force was generated from Choi’s ki, throwing Park Ho backwards ten feet into the wall.

Catching his breath, Park Ho announced training had ended. “Time for you to get freshened up and catch a plane.”

“Catch a plane?” Choi probed, wondering what was planned for him.

“You are flying to San Francisco, where you will find another Dragon operative. This is her first mission. You will watch over her and assist her in being successful.”

“Master?” Choi inquired, “I am not worthy of this. I am still a student under your teaching.”

“I now release you,” Park insisted. “I can teach you no more. You have more to learn, but it will come as you grow. Use your inner energy, as you did here.”

“How will I find her?” Yeong queried.

Park grinned, “You will know.”

Two hours later, Choi Yeong was on a plane bound for San Francisco. Inside, he wondered if he would be able to identify this Dragon.

< Prev : In flight-then Landing in San Francisco Next > : The Pickup