In flight-then Landing in San Francisco

*Including Lumina, Eun-Ji, and Corinth*

The flight was uneventful for the most part. He had spoken to the captain of the plane and they went over "worst case scenarios" and other such things. Corinth reassured the pilot that everything was going to be fine and not to worry.

Moving to his assigned seat which was on the right side of the plane, somewhere in the middle, he had a whole row to himself. He could have sat in first class with Lumina, or Jennifer, or Miss Hawkins? He chuckled to himself. That sounded more like a schoolteacher than an agent for the Templars. Lumina would work just fine. Sitting in the middle of the plane provided easy access to wherever he needed to be should anything crazy happen. Besides, Lumina was in the first class. She could keep things entertained until he got there. It was really the reason he put her there, to spread out their forces.

Once the plane was in the air, he tilted his seat back a little and placed his hat over his eyes. As the hours passed, he was woken up with some hustle and bustle from the aisle. that's when he saw Lumina moving from the front of the plane to the back with all her gear. Stopping the stewardess, he asked her what was going on and she informed him that a sick passenger was moving to first class for better accommodations. Corinth was a little annoyed that Lumina switched seats. It still split their forces up on the plane, but he felt better knowing she was near the pilots and not the farthest point away. He checked his watch. Only a few more hours to go.

Once the plane landed, he waited till everyone disembarked. Not one to shirk his duties, even if they weren't real, he exited last and caught up to Lumina waiting for her baggage. He then noticed that the Asian lady from the bar was also on their plane. Interesting, he thought to himself.

Moving over to Lumina, he stood beside her and waited for her to gather her things. Once done, he walked with her to grab a taxi. "We will need to talk about strategy," he told her as he popped another pill before they entered the car. He paid the cabbie some money and told them the hotel they were staying at.

With smooth traffic and a fortunate string of green lights, they arrived at the Stanyan Park Hotel. While not a top-tier establishment, it certainly didn't reside at the bottom of the spectrum either. Its exterior exuded both a charming coziness and a subtle aura of historical significance, inviting guests into" a world where comfort and tradition harmoniously intertwined.

"Here we are, home away from home." Exiting the cab, he helped Lumina grab her bags and led the way inside. "Go get us checked in. Registration is under Whitethorn. I'm going to step out for a smoke. We should have adjoining rooms or across the hall from each other, I don't know. We should be close though. And do not give your room up." His eyes just below the brim of his hat, "I don't care what they need or what they offer you."

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