Characters in this post

View character profile for: Peter Sartre

View character profile for: Alyssa Wilson

View character profile for: Agent Max Powers

View character profile for: Mr. Sung ShunShi

View character profile for: Princess Ekaterina Malysheva Grimaldi
Discussion of Staking
JP with Redsword, Jaxx, Trustno1 and Cindy
"Alyssa, you drive." said Sartre.
Alyssa glanced at him, being they had taken her van that wasn't something that needed to be said. "It might be a long night as we try to figure everything out. Anyone need to stop for anything? I'm thinking maybe caffeine, but, let me know if you want to stop for anything else.”
Agent Powers nodded as he replied, "Yeah coffee sounds good." Ekaterina then replied, "Oh I could go for a coffee as well, perhaps a lemon loaf slice." Agent Powers gave Ekaterina a smolder then nodded as he said, "Good idea Princess. Should we bring any for the others?”
"I'm alright." said Sartre.
"Sure," Alyssa said. She put in the GPS to direct them to the nearest coffee shop that would be opened that late. It wasn't that hard to find one.
In a few minutes they were at the coffee shop. Alyssa got a cappuccino and a chocolate almond croissant. Then helped pick out a few general pastries for anyone back at the house. As soon as the others were ready they headed back to the house.
As they settled into the front room, Sartre asked, "where should we go from here, how should we deal with Skorzeny or Louis Pasteur, Alyssa ?"
Sung also sat down and decided to look at the stake he had been given. He had denied the hammer. He did not need it. He did not need the wooden steak either, but he took it not to raise suspicion. "I can burn the vampire. There is no need for a furnace," said Sung with his sword as he showed the blade and mumbled something, and the ancient runes glowed, and with a gold hue of light, it started to have a gold flame just so slightly. You get this fire on you, and it does not go out easily if at all. It will consume everything it touches. I have used it before, but I have to keep contact with the vampire or thrust my sword through it," suggested Sung.
Sung paused. "I do not want to take on a Vampire at all, but we have no choice in this, I guess. I don't know if I can take on a 200-year-old vampire alone or even with all of you together," remarked Sung. Eating one of the pastries and drinking some coffee. His remark sounded like experience and caution.
"Well, yes, we are certainly without the option to not do this However, we should decide who's going in and when we are. Or I should say, others are. I will be backup in the van, it's probably best and there'll need to be a get away driver if things go south." Alyssa thought for a moment. "So, going to the theater during the day, vamp would be asleep, easy to stake/kill, whatever. However, it'll be full of workers. Going in at night, empty of workers but the vamp will be awake, along with any guards he has. Anyone have anything to say about when we do this?”
"Preferably during the daytime," said Sartre.
"And how..." Alyssa stopped herself, clearly having an idea. "Never mind I can get the theater clear of workers.”
"How do you plan on doing that Hacker?” Peter asked.
"A text message telling them to take off the rest of the day, make it seem like it's from their higher ups. Or I could set off an alarm, but the first option is probably best." Alyssa explained.
Ekaterina elegantly sipped her coffee and cleared her throat before she said, "The only issue I see is anyone without a phone or away from it when the mass text is sent. We may have a few that see the message too late and leave as we are entering." Agent Powers nodded, then he said, "I could dress up like a member of the bomb squad and ask they get everyone out if you need me to.”
"I was pretty sure the message would be passed on," all the workers would be together after all. "But sure if you want to go in and make sure everyone's cleared out, that would be good." She wasn't dismissing their ideas, but the ideas could certainly work together.
"A text message should work, Alyssa." said Sartre. In the chip: "That’s why I love you." he said. "I have a feeling Kolchak will be there." Sartre said, outloud.
She smiled at Peter. "I have a feeling Kolchak will be around, quite a bit." Alyssa commented.
"So we go in tomorrow?" asked Sartre
"If everyone else is good with it, I say after lunch. Around 1 PM. This should give you," Looking at Max. "Time to get whatever goodies you want from your father, for this mission.”
"What should we do for the rest of the night, Team Leader?" asked Sartre.
"If everyone is good with the plan, it's kind of late. I'd like one last check of the security system. If anyone wants to just check right around the outside of the house, make sure everything's secure, that would be good. Then maybe have a free evening, people can do what they want. It's going to, likely, be a long day tomorrow." Alyssa responded.
Agent Powers gave Alyssa a smolder then replied, "Alright then. Ekaterina smiled and replied, "I might need a thing or two Mr. Powers." Agent Powers gave Ekaterina a smolder then nodded to her.
"Alyssa, let's walk and check the perimeter together." Peter reached to take her hand.
"Alright," Alyssa said to Peter, stood up and took his hand.
Agent Powers then began typing in his phone again as Ekaterina made a few requests from him. They spoke quietly to each other as they looked over the text on his phone.