Explain It To Me

JP with Trustno1 and Cindy

Once the other two left, Alyssa furled her brow at Peter. "I'm confused and I don't know why I didn't think to ask you before. Can you control it? I mean the little glimpses you get. I realized you always ask me, but that's a deep dive. So, do those more minor images just come to you or were you purposedly reading their minds without permission?" How he answered was really important, and Alyssa wasn't sure if he understood just how much.

"I only use that when it's needed and against those that needed to be used against, I used it on Lodin, the visions were from his mind. Higher-level vampires have that ability. Actually; before Choi let me finish, the vampire at the library once used a similar technique on the current Prince of Indianapolis Hackmaster 9000. He was "torpored" for it, meaning a stake was put through his heart. This incapacitates the vampires or kindred. His heart was removed, this makes them less likely to frenzy, that's basically where they go crazy and gain superstrength, but have no control over their actions. They refer to that as "the beast within". He was then shipped off to Detroit for some sort of training. it's actually dangerous when I do it. I wouldn't do it to any of you, it can be useful when trying to understand what someone involved in the supernatural might be thinking." said Sartre "Well I did it to you, but I asked first.” In the chip: “The one time I did not ask I did not know if something paranormal was going on. I stopped The Dark, remember? You told me you were glad that I came for you.”

"When were you able to read Lodin's mind?" Alyssa wished she knew more about his ability. "Don't you have to be near the person?”

"No, it can be done at a long distance. Failure can result in extreme headaches and nosebleeds as well as incorrect information. Extreme failure can result in...“ Peter paused before continuing. "The program was founded when J Edgar Hoover was looking for what he perceived to be a serial killer in the 1950s. It is a secret department of the behavioral analysis unit. "There are rumors of other secret departments operating in the bureau."

Alyssa nodded and then texted, Choi *Can I talk to you? I have some info that might help the situation.*

"Alyssa, can we head to your room?” Peter asked.

"Let me grab some food and then sure." She quickly got a burger and a bag of chips, deciding she needed junk food more than a salad and started to head upstairs hoping that Choi would contact her back. She was really exhausted already from the day and this had just added to it.

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