Lunch, Interrupted

JP with mdman, Trustno1 and Cindy

Sartre looked for Alyssa and the others in the kitchen.

Alyssa came downstairs, after changing, slightly after Peter. She looked at the TV screen in the kitchen that was set to the outside cameras. "Looks like the foods arriving.”

Sartre sat down. "I ordered the hickory bacon burger. What burger did you order Alyssa? I know you ordered a salad.”

"Just a bacon cheddar burger, of course I'll add some of the fixings that came with all the burgers." Alyssa then said. "We should go outside and get the food." She headed for the door.

Peter followed the hacker, as to pick up the other supplies.

Alyssa went outside and started gathering what she could carry, once they got everything inside the hacker set to work laying out the food, and wondering if they'd be eating alone.

Choi and Dahlia had only gotten two more clans, or in one case what seemed a non-clan checked out when they received the text from Alyssa. Dahlia was a little perturbed, wanting to learn more. She shrugged.

Choi shook his head, seeing her frustration. He leaned into her and gave her a comforting kiss on the cheek. “We’ll do more later.”

She gave an affirmative nod, then stood up. Dahlia put on a swimsuit covering, chuckling at Yeong. “Are you going to lunch in your Speedo?”

Choi grinned, responding, “I’ll change as you head down.

Dahlia walked down to find where the food was located. “We’ve been researching more clans,” she said. “So far, we researched the Banu Haqim. They seem to be the adjudicators of the vampires. They have a thirst for vampiric blood and justice. Judges, sheriffs and hitmen are included in their numbers.”

She paused, then added, “Choi discovered the Caitiff were those distrusted by others. They are outcasts, mostly because the vampire lineage is not in them. The Caitiff are repulsed by the compulsions of their race. Choi and I are certain the vampire we met at the Library in Gary was a Caitiff.”

"He said he was a Toreador." said Sartre.

“I realize that Agent Sartre,” Dahlia forcefully replied. “There are two ways to be Caitiff. One, is to be an outcast because the sire recognizes the vampiric lineage is not within one. The second, is secretly. This is one that knows the ins and outs of their clan, but hides the repulsion they feel. They feel apart from the clan because of this inner disgust. This man spoke of this repulsion. I believe he is of the second definition. He chose not to lure humans through the arts. He took of only animal blood.”

"Interesting." Alyssa thought for a moment. "He didn't happen to leave a way to get in touch with him, did he?”

"He ran out of the library pretty quickly." said Sartre." It was almost as if some form of superspeed. He kept saying someone was after him.”

Dahlia looked at Sartre with a wooden stare. “How would you know this Agent Sartre? Choi and I didn’t reveal everything from the meeting. We’re you tailing us?”

Choi entered, now fully dressed. He overheard the last bit of the conversation as he entered.

“Sartre here probably had his federales keeping tabs on other members,” he joked. “Mr. Shepherd did say that Kolchak was keeping an eye on him. This is evidently done through the guy Shepherd feared…” he shrugged his shoulder, “Maybe. Some of what he said seemed cryptic at the moment. He said nothing of werewolves at war with vampires. Only vampires against vampires.”

"Let's just say I can read things sometimes." said Sartre.

Alyssa remained quiet, she understood why Sartre knew what he knew but it wasn't her place to say. Into the chip, to Peter she commented. "If you're going say things you shouldn't know then maybe you should explain to them more about your ability or they'll never trust you enough to work with you." She had been surprised Peter had blurted out what he did but it was out there now. Alyssa had laid out the food and was just waiting on the others.

"I can see into peoples minds if need be but it is a risk when I do it." Peter explained. "If unsuccessful there can be problems.”

At hearing this, Dahlia’s eyes narrowed. “So, you’ve been reading our minds? Doodling around in brains without our permission? How dare you!”

Dahlia marched herself from where everyone was gathered to eat. Suddenly, she wasn’t hungry anymore. She forcefully walked up the steps, shouting, “I’m done with this!”

Choi looked at Sartre. “Really?” he questioned. “Good job, big boy! You say your psychic; I say your psycho! “

He looked at Alyssa. “Be careful with Loverboy, here!” After a second pause, Yeong looked toward the steps, running his fingers through his hair. “I’ll go see what I can do,” he said. With that said, Choi quietly hurried upstairs. He wasn’t sure what to say, but he’d try.

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