Sung and Choi join the party

JP with mdman, Redsword, Jaxx, Trustno1 and Cindy

Sung turned and walked to the door that led to the pool area. Seeing Alyssa, Dahlia, Max, and any others by the pool. Sung looked like a father who caught the kids doing something they should not. Was Sung jealous or disappointed, Sung was hard to read?

Sung just shook his head and changed his expression. "Hello, I see we have time to goof off. I thought we had stuff to set up and people to watch out for?" remarked Sung. His tone was not one of accusing or authority, his tone was more questioning.

Choi didn’t need to imagine Dahlia in a swimsuit. He had a good memory of last night, which replayed in his mind throughout the day. He only grinned at Master Sung’s verbal thoughts.

“Didn’t someone once say,” Choi suggested, “All work and no play makes Yeong a dull boy?”

"My fault, it was supposed to be a brief swim before starting to work but I kind of had a .....mishap." Alyssa's voice trailed off, hoping someone else would finish filling them in.

“Alyssa had a vision of Prue, who told her goodbye,” Dahlia reported as she stood. “Because of the stress and trauma, and her constant working, we forced her to relax.”

Choi liked what he saw in Dahlia, both in swimsuit and standing up for Alyssa. “Well,” Yeong said, “We can’t blame you then, can we Master Sung?”

Alyssa noticed that Dahlia left out that she almost drowned but it wasn't like there was anything Choi or Sung could do about it, it was just that she wanted to give Max credit for saving her.

“Agent Powers happened to save her life,” Dahlia added, “as she almost drowned.”

Alyssa nodded a thank you to Dahlia both for sticking up for her and kudos for Max.

Sung sighed. then smiled looking well a break can be a morale booster. He did not want to interfere with fun. The ladies definitely looked good in the swimsuits. In his mind if he wondered what their body type was it was answered now. Sung was a man after all and seeing these women in bathing suits was not all bad.

Some of the advice given to him by others was the younger ones like doing things spontaneously. "Well I guess I can not blame you all for the pool then," remarked Sung. With a simple graceful motion, Sung pulled his shirt off. His body was not perfectly cut but muscular. For a man in his late 40s, you would think he was in his 20s. Stepping forward his shoes came off and he jumped into the pool with his pants on. Sung had no idea if this would be funny or if he would look stupid. but what the hell he had to stop being a hard ass all the time.

Choi and Dahlia both chuckled. Yeong stated that he would go and put on some short to enjoy the water. Dahlia nodded. They had some fun last night, but she’d enjoy seeing Yeong’s muscles again.

Alyssa had to laugh at Sung jumping in with his pants on. He was fit for an older man. "Sung you do have surprises up those sleeves of yours, don't you?”

Sung swam to the edge of the pool. "Old men have lots of experience and surprises. That is what makes us special." replied Sung with a grin.

Alyssa smiled and breathed a laugh, at Sung's comment. It was nice to see this other side of him. "So, how's the property?" She asked him.

"Alyssa; Do you have any idea what the differences between the Ventrue, Which the Prince of Chicago is and the Toreador which the Prince of Gary belongs to are?" Sartre asked. He continued to hold her hand.

Agent Powers gave Sung a smolder before he smirked at him. The old man was stoic and funny at the same time. Ekaterina giggled elegantly as she saw Sung dive in and splashing them a bit in the process. Ekaterina was curious why Agent Powers didn't care about getting kudos for saving Alyssa, but it was cool that he was humble about it. She then asked Agent Powers, "So do you know any good vampire or werewolf movies?" Agent Powers gave Ekaterina a smolder then replied, "Hmmm... not really but I definitely don't recommend the Twilight stuff. The vampire guy I met had nothing but hate for the whole sparkly vampire theme they used in it. He was even debating killing the writer of that story." Ekaterina held in her laugh as she covered her mouth.

Choi soon returned with a splice jammer swimsuit. He sat in a lounger on the other side of Dahlia. He spied the fruit, got up long enough to take a few pieces on toothpicks, then sat back down.

“I suggest Bram Stoker’s, Dracula,” Choi said. “He wrote it in the late nineteenth century. However, the first writing considering a vampire was Der Vampir. That was written in the early eighteenth century. Usually the earlier it is, the more accurate it is. Later writings tend to add things for effect.”

“If you like,” Dahlia said, pointing to her laptop, which she brought to learn about the dark web, “I can research that Agent Sartre. There are other members on the team. You don’t need to pile all the tasks upon Agent Wilson. She needs rest right now, not work.”

Alyssa answered Peter first, "Only what I've already mentioned. That the Toreadors are artistic and the Ventrue are more the business types. I've not gotten a chance to research much more than that." As much as Alyss loved Peter and her job, she did wonder though why all of those questions, fell on her.

As for Choi's comment, "Sounds good, I'm sure we can find somewhere to stream that and there's more than one large screen TV around the house."

She was grateful to Dahlia but had to wonder how much information the woman could get without access to the dark web. "Well, if you need help just ask." She really was bad at taking it easy as the hacker wanted to go get her own laptop and dive into that.

Alyssa, may I go research with you?" asked Sartre.

Choi chuckled. “Sartre, we know how obsessed you are with the Little Hacker, but there are others on this team, as Dahlia said. You can address others on the team.”

Dahlia cleared her throat. “ I think Agent Sartre wants some privacy.”

"Better yet Alyssa, I will research The Prince of Chicago for you.”

Dahlia opened up her laptop. Turning it on, she signed into the WiFi.

“Okay Agent Wilson,” she said, “give me a hint how to get into the dark web. And I’ll see what I can find.”

Alyssa leaned over and started to tell Dahlia how to get into the dark web, it required a little more than typing "dark web" into a search engine but it didn't really take that long. "Now one thing, be as specific as possible as to what you're looking for, otherwise you can end up in some sites you really won't want to be in. And anything that mentions a Dr. X, don't click on it. If you get stuck let me know but other than that, welcome to the dark web." Alyssa smiled slightly.

Ekaterina looked at Dahlia and then at Agent Powers who was relaxing beside her. She then asked him, "Should we join them in their research Mr. Powers?" Agent Powers gave Ekaterina a smolder and a long pause before he replied, "Sorry that is outside my training. Outside of watching movies, playing video games and checking my email, I work better in the field." Ekaterina felt bad for the poor guy being left out, but she understood where he was coming from. Then she elegantly said, "Oh then I'll keep you company then." as she hooked her arm around his. Agent Power had a shy look on his face as he didn't know how to respond or talk on the topic.

“Hmmm,” Dahlia intoned as she began typing. She began reading the material that appeared on her screen. After reading several lines, she looked aghast; her face paled.

“No! Really!” she exclaimed. “Cain is the first of the Ventrue. This guy a why they must honor history. They trace their lineage back to the beginning.”

Dahlia caught herself as she was caught up in the information. “I’m sorry, but that just struck a nerve from my research earlier. His son Enoch founded the first city. So, as the line of the first Prince, the Ventrue have an air of superiority over other clans. They work hard to be honorable and genteel. They emphasize leadership. Nobility and privileged, knights and warlords, they have the standard of chivalry and duty.

Dahlia’s fingers gracefully danced about her keyboard as she now began to look for the Toreador. While typing, she was enthralled that the vampires do trace their lineage back to Cain, and that the Kenites survive ved the flood through Noah’s wife. She would need to give them respect for assisting her people conquer Canaan.

“The Toreador are the most beautiful, glamorous, and seductive of the clans,” she announced. “They tend to use this and their love of the arts to lure their prey. They, as well, trace their lineage back to Cain, through Arikel. She was the earth’s first artist. When she painted the clan’s past, present, and future of the Kindred, Cain saw the terrible future of his line and cursed her, casting her from his presence. Through Minoan and Greek history, there is a great Toreador presence. Perhaps, Toreador comes from the story of the Minotaur.”

Dahlia thought the dark web information fascinating. She would need to look deeper into the Kindred.

Alyssa was taking everything Dahlia said in, though it was hard for her to sit there and not work, especially when others were doing the work she normally would be. "Well, then maybe the Ventrue Prince will be easier to deal with, he'll probably want to negotiate with us in some way or offer us a deal.”

“Maybe,” Choi suggested, “since the Ventrue are concerned with aristocracy, the Princess here should be a part of the meeting.”

"Dahlia, You are providing a great perspective on vampiric history." said Sartre. He later returned with his laptop and began typing, Looking through the Illuminati intranet for anything that would be useful with dealing with the parents of Chicago. "It seems as if Prince Olaf was a general in the Mexican-American war. He fought for the United States and was known for his tactics. This would explain why the Camarilla Would have had interest in him and allow him to be tired by a "Datura" Who was the acting Prince of Veracruz at the time." said Sartre. "Alyssa what did you mean by Dr X on the deep web?" asked Sartre.

"He's a let's say ummm... less than reputable character. He basically will attempt to take over your computer. Spout ridiculous theories, claim he's a good. Show disturbing content. That kind of thing." That coming from a member of one of the factions said a lot.

Ekaterina then replied, "That sounds like the territories run by a cruel dictator. I wonder if it human culture influencing the vampires as well?”

“It appears that most of the Greek culture and that of the Renaissance in France was driven by the Toreador,” Dahlia announced. “They are likely to have members in the music industry, painters, sculptures, actors, and the like.”

Agent Powers then said, "And don't forget trained killers.”

“Maybe that explains Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga,” Choi jested.

Dahlia looked at Powers. He himself and she were in that mix.

Alyssa breathed a laugh at Choi's quip. This was all actually pretty fascinating information.

Ekaterina chuckled at Choi's joke. Then she replied, "If the vampires are among us in the public does to also mean the werewolves are as well?" Agent Powers sipped his smoothie and replied, "Maybe that is why we are all working together now. Perhaps the higherups are desperate enough to bet on us getting along long enough to deal with a calamity level threat.”

Dahlia emphatically stated, “If Kat is part of the meeting, then I go with her.”

"Given that I was the one who received the invitation, it would probably look bad if I don't go." No how much she wanted to stay in the van, it was simple etiquette to know that.

He looked towards the hacker. He was concerned about what she had previously endured. Sartre had too much loss already.
He squeezed her hand harder. "May I have a sip of your smoothie Alyssa?”

That meeting was not for some time. Choi thought long and hard as what to do in the mean time.

“I think we should be spending time training for the mission in the meantime. It is best we be prepared for whatever may happen.”

Agent Powers gave Choi a smolder and then asked, "Don't get me wrong I love training everyday, but how do you plan to train to fight vampires and werewolves? Wouldn't it be the same as killing people only we use different tools and weapons?”

"Sure," Alyssa responded to Peter's request. She had felt the squeeze of her hand but knew it wasn't a controlling thing, more a concerned thing. It made sense he didn't want her to go meet with the Prince but Alyssa felt like she should be there.

Alyssa raised a brow at Max's remark, "Well, vampires and werewolves are quicker than people, so, increasing speed wouldn't be a bad idea." She didn't say "our speed" because the hacker wasn't really a fighter.

“Speed, agility, dexterity, endurance, and discipline,” Choi emphasized, noticing how close Powers and the Princess were sitting. He grinned. They weren’t trying to hide it.

Ekaterina looked at the stoic Agent Powers and wondered if the young Max inside the fake body had the same expression. He was trained to be a hard core fighter and it reminded her of sone of the intense Templar training she endured. If things went south she would want to be close to Powers for many reason since he was a fearless powerhouse and a loyal guy. She then elegantly asked, "That sounds nice and all but without the use of technology or magic, how are we all to increase our skills overnight?”

"Well, we have today and tomorrow before we meet with the Prince and also research is important, so, that is a lot to squeeze in, in that time but I carving sometime out of the day to do that, is a good idea." Alyssa looked a Ekaterina, "Maybe, it can be more of a long term thing. I don't think we can do all of that before meeting the Prince, but I get the feeling we might be here a while.”

Sartre enjoyed sharing the hacker's smoothie.

Dahlia looked to Choi, Kat, and Alyssa as they spoke. “Well,” she added, “I will spend time meditating on the Kabbalah and getting stronger in its powers. I will also continue research in the dark web.”

Agent Powers replied, "I already ordered silver knuckles, silver bullets and more holy bullets from my father. It should arrive in an hour. That's all I can prepare for now." Ekaterina replied, "Mr. Powers is kind enough to order some weapons for me so I am waiting as well.”

"What do you want to do for the rest of the day Alyssa?" asked Sartre, knowing she was tired. He wanted to know of her previous dreams.

Sartre wondered what the dreams could have been, he wondered how the hacker had developed her connection with Prue. It still seemed to be continuing beyond this plane of existence. He thought of ancient Knights Templar observatories. Mapping the stars. Trying to understand the cosmos.

"As much as I hate to admit this, but I'm kind of tired and right now can't think of doing much." Alyssa then had an idea. "Oh, you know sitting in the hot tub might be nice. It shouldn't take long to heat up.”

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