Perimeter Check

Sung steps outside and looks around he speaks words of magic true seeing He looks over the grounds knowing nothing can hide from his sight. He said another set of magic words that let him detect anything evil or good anything like an aberration, celestial, elemental, fey, fiend, undead, and even a werewolf.

Sung started to walk towards the back gate and away from the house when he heard his name He knew Choi he could feel him in the house but did not know he was coming out into the backyard.

"Yes, get moving we have a lot of ground to cover," said Sung looking around and waiting on Choi.

“Yes, Master Sung,” Choi intoned.

He kept in step with the older masters. For his age, Master Sung moved fluidly. Yeong could tell that the master’s gaze was beyond what Choi could physically see.

“Anything putting up red flags?” he asked Sung.

Sung thought about Choi's question. "It will take time to make this a completely safe place. We are ah.. just renting so what we can do is limited. now if we were to make this our team base it would have its benefits. In the city, there could be a lot of collateral damage out here not so much. But then it is easier to attack and can be more.... Hmmm.. They could use more force or more destructive type weapons." Sung started to explain.

"I am really looking at the layout of the land. Looking to see if anyone followed us out here. The other organizations like the Vampires and Werewolves do have resources similar to ours. we need to some simple discreet or hide in plain site type of things." Suggested Sung.

“The wolves needn’t follow closely to us,” Choi suggested. “Their noses are valuable tracking devices. They could probably be a mile away and follow our scent.”

He quieted so he wouldn’t break Master Sung’s concentration. Yeong was amazed the man could scan the area and hold a conversation at the same time.

“Maybe bird feeders could be used with camera’s having motion sensors.” he suggested. Bird feeders were something natural on a country home.

Sung smiled " I have used deer cameras before they are already camouflaged stick them in trees if you have them and stay dormant for months. They activate only when something passes them. Most of the time if you see one most ignore it as a hunter's equipment." replied Sung.

They walked a little further Sung would look back at the house now and then. Sung watched as the grass moved with the breeze that felt nice it was a quiet and nice day. "Remember vampires have heightened senses as well. They can track you from a distends. That is what makes them dangerous to people," remarked Sung looking around.

Sung turned to look at the lake. "Our weakness will be the lake. I think," said Sung.

(I)The lake?(/i), Choi thought. Well, of course! The assault could begin from a completely different state, or even country. The enemy could be in the middle of the lake and have a clear shot at the house with a ground-to-ground missile. There was no tree line blocking the line of sight.

“Master Sung, I do have one question that perhaps your wisdom can help me understand,” Yeong inquisitively said. “Alyssa stated that the enemy may be the werewolves, who are fighting for the desecration of the forests. By doing so, the claim to be representing Gaia. If they represent Gaia, shouldn’t those with Gaia’s bees be helping the werewolves?”

Sung was quiet for a minute he was contemplating something. It seemed like forever before Sung answered. "I am of an Order one almost as old as the Dragons organization. I am a Sentinel of the Eternal Watch. We fight for humanity. It is our sworn oath to protect this world and humanity." Sung paused thinking. What more should I tell young Choi. How far should I go?

Sung continued. "You would think the other organizations would have this same view but not all do. Templars come close but even in their ranks, some believe their organization should be supreme," explained Sung. He knew that did not answer the question. but did tell Choi where Sung stood with his question.

"For me no, yes our power comes from Gaia. But Gaia comes in many forms of power. Gaia is either good or evil. It is how you use your strength. Your heart decides if you do good or bad." remarked Sung. He turned back towards the house.

Choi quietly followed Sung back to the house. He chose this time to chew the words that Master Sung had said to him. To gain wisdom, one must meditate upon the truth when spoken.

Stopping just before they get to the back door Sung stops and looks at Choi "We have good sight here around the house and I doubt if anyone is just going to walk up on us. I am confident that no one fallowed us and larking around." said Sung confidently.

Sung stopped and looked at some windows that led to the pool area. "chlorine? I smell it. You have to be kidding me. Swimming at a time like this?" remarked Sung with confusion and frustration.

< Prev : Forced Chill Time Next > : Sung and Choi join the party