Girls’ Talk

Joint Post by Jazz and MDMan

On the way to get the laptops from their rooms, Dahlia asked Ekaterina, “You had a rough morning?”

Ekaterina rolled her eyes up and sighed not so elegantly. She took a deep breath and elegantly regained her composure then replied, "Oh the usual pressure from my relatives to coax me into a marriage I don't want just because some older arrogant rich guy wants to land a princess. I know they have their concerns for me and my future but it feels like I am seen as a high priced trophy wife being auctioned on Ebay. If they keep this up I may renounce my title." Ekaterina sighed and then said, "And that is why you are a blessing in my life Dahlia."

“Me? A blessing?” Dahlia grinned. “I try to be that. You are a strong independent young lady, Kat. You should have the right to choose what you want in life. The question is, do you want to give up the royalty part? Your parents will not give you the choice of the man you want?”

Ekaterina smirked elegantly as she replied, "Its not just my parents. Its more political than anything else, but it is annoying that they have to use me for their agendas, especially when they know I told them to stop it. I think they are using the fact I am away from the palace to use my name without my consent."

Dahlia placed an arm about Ekaterina’s shoulders. “If you need a retreat from things, you could always stay with me for a while.”

They entered the elevator. With the condition of the hotel, Dahlia was surprised it worked. Pushing the button for their floor, Dahlia asked, “What do you think on the mission?”

Ekaterina put a hand on Dahlia's hand and leaned on her shoulder elegantly. Then she replied, "This mission is both troublesome and a nice distraction from home. I know its weird that I'd rather be tracking vampires and investigating a haunted theater than being pampered in the Palace, but it is what it is. As for your offer I would love to have some girl time away from the stress of work and home."

Dahlia turned and embraced the princess about the waist. Her opposite hand supported Kay’s head upon her shoulder.

“Certainly!” she insisted. “What would you like to do first? A tour of Tel Aviv? Jerusalem? Shopping?”

The elevator door opened and a man stood looking at Dahlia embracing Ekaterina. Dahlia spied the man, mouth agape, brows raised.

“What’s the matter with you,” Dahlia shouted at the man. “You’ve never seen two girls hugging before?”

The man, noticing the accent, replied, “This is America! You can choose your happiness any way you want.”

He stepped back to leer at the girls as they exited. Dahlia was angry enough to put a plug between the man’s eyes.

Ekaterina pursed her lips as she suppressed her laughter. In her mind she imagined the man soiling himself if he found out that Dahlia could turn him into a woman with a knife or a gun in less than a minute. It was obvious they guy was a jerk and probably deserved it. As they left the elevator managed to calm down as she giggled while holding Dahlia's shoulder.

“So, sweet Princess,” Dahlia probed, her arm about Kat still, “how are things with Max? I think he may be smitten.”

Ekaterina calmed down a bit and regained her composure. Then she raised an eyebrow to Dahlia as she elegantly replied, "Its debatable. Mr. Powers is polite, respectful, has had many adventures and loves working out as well as video games. Its almost like he is a big muscular kid. Normally by now most guys would be begging to sleep with me, but Mr. Powers has yet to make a pass at me. I thought he might be into Alyssa or play for the other team but he acts the same with everyone. Is it possible he has no interest in romance?"

Dahlia chuckled, turning to face Ekaterina. “I haven’t met any man that is not interested in getting a fine lady like you between the sheets,” she stated.

“Choi is getting closer,” she said. “You know, he’s sort of refreshing compared to most men I’ve known. He’s interested, but taking it slow. Wants to know me more, so it means something.”

Dahlia thought for a moment. “Have you tried the seductive approach? Let him know you are interested?”

Ekaterina smirked at the thought of seducing Agent Powers despite the size difference. She elegantly replied, "I have considered it, but if he is not interested in me I can see it getting awkward down the road."

Dahlia smiled and embraced Kat. “You are too sweet to be a princess,” she confirmed. “So, you want him to make the first move. You can borrow something of mine if you like. So, don’t be seductive, but just something to raise his interest. I’m sure you can come up with something that will, shall we say, raise the bar.”

Dahlia giggled. “Let’s get our laptops and head back.”

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