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View character profile for: Moon Eun-Ji
A Month of Doubling Down
Gangnam-gu: Seoul, South Korea - Moon Residence
In the disciplined routine of the past month, Eun-Ji and her family engaged in rigorous preparations for her impending rite of passage mission that had now been official set. The anticipation of the coming date felt surreal, even though it was so near it had truly been a twelve year journey till now. Was it actually going to happen?
The past month doubled down on all things related to the Secret World. All other normal routines and activities were put on hold. Jae-Hoon, her older brother, took her on frequent hunts, challenging her skills against low-level threats and occasional non-threatening monsters for essential practice. During a particularly intense encounter with a medium-level threat, Jae-Hoon assumed a more prominent role in the fight, earning Eun-Ji's newfound respect.
With the month concluding, anticipation lingered as Eun-Ji prepared to delve into the details of her upcoming mission, the pivotal moment when she would transition from apprentice to a realized Dragon agent… if she survived and if her performance measured up to their standards.
Eun-Ji doubted she would get any rest tonight when she went to bed. Her mother had prepared for that, per usual, and worked her so hard that last day that she collapsed and fell asleep without even the desire to shower.