Thoughts, Observations, and Meetings at Heathrow (2)

*Including Lumina and Corinth*

"Doesn't matter to me. I can find a plate anywhere." Which was true, Corinth wasn't picky when it came to food. He had an iron stomach, easily eating wierd food combinations that would make a pregnant woman nauseous. "How about we grab a drink at the bar, they're bound to have a menu for food as well."

He took point and led the way to a small bar called The Oceanic Pub and Kitchen. It was more restaurant than bar, but what did one expect in an airport? You could be expected to not be allowed to smoke, for one. In a smoking in a bar...what was the world coming to, he wondered to himself.

Pulling up to the bar, he took a seat on one of the stools and waited for Lumina to get settled before handing her a menu. "First drinks on me, just don't get too crazy with it, I'm not carrying you to the plane." He was joking of course, but there was a bit of seriousness in his tone. When the bartender came over, Corinth ordered "a whiskey on the rocks, lemon the rim and whatever she wants."

After the drinks were brought, he took a sip and then turned to his partner. "I've read your file. You've been on leave for awhile, getting your head back on straight after your last assignment? Are you good to go now?" He took another sip. "What I'm really asking is, can I trust you to do what needs to be done should things go sideways? To shoot, to kill...all the things. I need to know you go my back no matter what. If you can't do that, for whatever reason, you'd be better off back at your desk because I can't do our job while watching my back and yours."

He may have came off pretty harsh or matter of fact like, but it was what it was. He'd watch her back as long as she was capable to watch his. Thus was a team mission, not a training or escorting one. Too many agents have been lost in the field because their attention was too divided on babysitting their partner and trying to keep themselves alive.

"I heard this place has good fish and chips. I think I'll have that."

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