Theater Spirits or Not

JP with mdman, Redsword, Jaxx, Trustno1, and Cindy

"Yes. I got that album when it first came out four years ago. They should be releasing another album this year. I can't wait to get the CD. Though cassettes are cheaper. That's what I'm listening to right now." said the man. Sartre looked to Alyssa.

4 years ago? Maybe his time wasn't linear. Waterfalls -94. Foo Fighters were formed in 94 and Black Hole Sun came out in 94. Alyssa was puzzled because if he was stuck in 94 he couldn't have bought the album three years ago. Or maybe he's confusing it with a different album. "Oh, I'm working to buy a cd player." The hacker said. "I'm Alyssa by the way." To be honest she didn't know if the man even saw Peter or if Peter saw the man, so she didn't introduce them.

"I'm Raymond, think about it. Next year it will be 1997." Sartre asked, "Who runs this place?" Raymond would respond, "Oh, it's currently owned by the city, hopefully the new Democratic Administration in Washington under President Clinton can get cities like this fixed up." Sartre looked at Alyssa again. "Do you guys have any more questions, I'm going to need to get back to work in a few minutes. I'd hate to miss my TV shows tonight and it's hard to buy those blank VHS tapes to record stuff all the time.”

Choi sighed, then asked, “Did you hear those workers say other investigators were here earlier and one of them hat a military-style haircut?”

“Yes, I heard it,” Dahlia replied.

“How much do you want to bet that’s the guy we’re meeting tonight?” Choi asked.

“Do you really think so?” Dahlia responded.

“What’s his game?” Yeong thought aloud. “I’m glad I’ve got backup.”

“I will not allow something to happen to you,” she replied.

He looked into her pale eyes. “Thank you, Dahlia.”

There was an awkward moment before Dahlia suggested, “Shall we join the others and find what else needs checked?”

Choi smiled and shook his head. “We’ve got to check out the box seating first.”

“Of course,” Dahlia giggled. “I forgot about those.

There were five box seating sections on each side. They decided to check the left side first, then the right.

"Oh, do you know of a military guy that might have come around here?" Alyssa asked. She was going on what would be a wild theory to some.

"Military guy? The war ended five years ago. We threw Saddam out of Kuwait." Raymond looked extremely puzzled. "I've got to get back to work soon.”

So much for that idea, Alyssa though. "Yeah me too. Maybe, they'll get this place operational again. Play some Greek myth movies, or something.”

Choi and Dalia searched the box seat sections. They found nothing there on the left side. Looking across to the right side, they could see a light on above the box seats there.

“There must be a third floor,” Dahlia said pointing at the light.

The two cross over to the right side, they found nothing in the boxes seating there. Choi then stepped up onto the railing in front of the box seating. He balanced himself well.

“Choi?” Dahlia was beginning to think Yeong was being crazy. “What are you doing?”

Choi grinned, knowing his abilities. He jumped upwards, grabbing the floor above him. He pulled himself up, then lowering his hand downward, pulled Dahlia up to him.

“You are a curious fellow,” Dahlia expressed.

Choi grinned. “If you only knew. Let’s look around.”

He texted Powers and Alyssa: On the third floor.

Alyssa’s phone vibrated because she forgot to silence it. Well, it definitely didn't look like any tech that was around in the 90s, so she ignored it.

As Choi and Dahlia traveled up the stairs, towards the main box office, an armed guard with a 9 mm pistol stopped them. "Mr Skorzeny only sees people by appointment. We have to get this place ready for opening night next week. I can take your name and numbers down.”

"Alyssa, let's head further down the hall towards the boiler room." said Sartre. "Don't forget to watch Michael Jordan and The Bulls," said Raymond.

Agent Powers looked to his hip as his phone buzzed. He checked the message and looked up with a smolder as he said, "Hey Princess Choi and Dahlia went to the third floor."

Ekaterina smiled and replied elegantly, "Yes I can see them. Choi seems to be very agile."

Agent Powers replied, "Yeah he has some fancy moves. I think he learned them at a Buddhist monastery."

Ekaterina then smiled elegantly at Agent Powers and asked, "Are you and Choi close, Mr. Powers?"

Agent Powers gave Ekaterina a smolder and paused. Then he replied, "Good question Princess. I know a little about him but that's about it. He seems to be easy to work with unless Eun-Ji and I but heads. Why?"

Ekaterina then asked, "Are you and Alyssa close?"

Agent Powers shrugged as he replied, "She is easy to work with and nice to me, but it's my job to protect her so it's professional."

Ekaterina then looked perplexed as she asked, "Mr. Powers, is there anyone you spend time with outside of work?"

Agent Powers was still looking around as he replied, "Nope. I started doing solo missions and on my downtime I work out or watch movies, and play games on my phone. Sometimes I try to learn some cooking tips, but my schedule makes it hard to do anything else. Why?"

Ekaterina was a bit shocked by that answer. She asked, "Don't you ever get lonely Mr. Powers?"

Agent Powers replied, "Meh.... I did at the beginning, but since Dad was pretty strict and over time I got used to it. I am an Agent first and foremost and if I need friends my dad will assign them to me."

Ekaterina was taken back by what she just heard. Apparently Agent Powers was controlled by his father this whole time and denied the freedom others had. She found it sad and lonely as she held back from giving him a hug since it would be hard to explain to him.

Alyssa nodded to Peter, "Alright." She left with Peter and they headed to the boiler room. "Wouldn't the boiler room be downstairs in the basement?" Alyssa said, as they came to some stairs.

Up on the third floor, Choi and Dahlia saw a small set of steps going to a short platform with a door. As they walked up the steps, a man came out of the door. Seeing the two at the top of the steps, the man pulled a 9 mm and pointed it their direction.

“Mr. Skorzeny only sees people by appointment. We have to get this place ready for opening night next week. I can take your name and numbers down."

Choi held his hands to the side in a non-threatening way. “Look, we’re just trying to help. No harm; no foul. Mr. Skorzeny, eh? He’s the manager? Yes! Sure! You can have my number and name.”

Choi was doing his best at what he does best. Talking. Serving as a distraction, so Dahlia could have a chance to leave.

But Dahlia wasn’t leaving. She stepped away to the side, slowly reaching for her .38 stuffed in the back of her pants. Quickly, she pulled it out and the hammer clicked into place as it was aimed at the man.

“Drop your gun,” she ordered.

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