Of Spirits in The Theater

JP with mdman, Redsword, Jaxx, Trustno1, and Cindy

Upstairs, Choi suggested, “We may want to divide our search up here,” which earned a faux pout from Dahlia. “I’ll start from the back wall and work my way forward from the back. You start at the front and work your way back.”

Dahlia nodded, although she would much rather be close to Choi. She made herself believe it was for his protection, but Yeong was a fighter and could take care of himself.

“Just whistle if you need me,”. Dahlia said softly. “You know how to whistle, don’t you? Just pucker your lips and blow.”

Choi chuckled and moved to the back of the balcony. Dahlia searched the front, using her military issued torch.

"I think you're thinking of Modus Ponens, the guy said it wrong." said Sartre. "I'll go with you Alyssa.”

Alyssa nodded, and pulled out a flashlight, "Let's start with the outer walls and work our way forward, and then through the seating area." She made her way into the theater and started checking out the walls.

Choi began the search in the back of the balcony, nodding at someone in the far corner. When he looked back, the person was gone.

“Dahlia?” Choi whispered just loud enough for her to hear.

“Yes?” she responded looking up.

“Do you see anyone else up here?” Yeong asked.

Dahlia worked here torch back and forth in the balcony. She didn’t see anyone. Turning the torch back to Choi, she said, “N…”

A person’s image appeared behind Choi, causing Dahlia’s face to pail. By the time she took a picture, it vanished, supposedly leaving only Choi in the frame.

As the agents looked over the seating arrangements, not much could be found. However; you noticed that the red upholstery must have been attached to the seats in the early 1900s. The building has clearly been here for a very long time the silver screen looms in front of you.

While looking at the stage with Ekaterina, Agent Powers asks, "Any clue what we are looking for Princess?" Ekaterina was still using her minions to search the entire theater as well as the outside. Anything that stood out would be shared with Ekaterina through he mind link. She was also looking around when she replied elegantly, "Well we are essentially looking for anything that does not belong normally. However there have been times when cursed items, large bags of money, priceless antiques or drugs find there way into such places for illegal deals. Looking at the upholstery of the theater, its obvious that this building is quite old." Ekaterina continued her search with her minions hoping to find something out of place.

“It’s right behind me,” said Choi, “isn’t it?”

“Was,” Dahlia replied.

“I could feel the cold from behind,” Choi responded in return.

Dahlia suggested, “Get your phone and start taking pictures. Maybe we’ll get lucky.”

Both Choi and Dahlia began taking random pictures around the balcony. Some with flash, some without.

"Peter, you find anything?" Alyssa asked. "For a place that's not listed as haunted, it certainly seems like it should be." Alyssa tended to get frustrated at finding nothing significant, either in a deep dive on her computer or in person and this theater was extremely frustrating to her.

"Maybe we should take a walk down the hallway and look into one of the side rooms. What do you think, Agent Wilson?" He said Agent Wilson professionally, yet gave her a knowing glance. He reached for a fist bump.

Choi and Dahlia began to feed pictures that had taken in the balcony to Alyssa’s phone. There were several with strange shadows. Two seemed to show a face, one with a full body. A couple had like a mist in the form of a body.

"Sure," Alyssa grinned slightly at Peter, and returned the fist bump, as they were walking down the hallway, her phone vibrated. She looked at the image, "Hey, we might have ghosts after all." Showing the image to Peter. The two entered a room at the end of the hall, which looked like it might have been an office, possibly, at some point.

Choi sat down in the back row of the balcony. He patted the seat next to him for Dahlia to join him.

“Let’s see if we can get one to make contact,” he suggested.

Dahlia smirked and replied, “You just want to sit with me in the back row, don’t you?” She sat next to him.

Choi turned the recorder on to his phone, pointing it out to Dahlia. He held his finger to his lips to prompt her to be quiet.

“Hello?” Choi said. “Is anyone here with us?” He paused as if expecting a response. The hairs on the back of his head were standing on edge. “My name is Yeong; this is Dahlia. What is your name?” Another pause. “Did you come to see a movie?” Pause. “What happened to you here?”

Dahlia added, “How long have you been here?” She paused, the. asked one more question. “Were there others with you?”

Choi and Dahlia only heard static coming from the radio. It is as if there were no voices to be heard.

As Alyssa enters the office, she is immediately startled by what seems to be an office worker, he is messing with a boombox. The old device is playing "Don't go Chasing Waterfalls" by TLC. "Are you a member of the new crew, I started working here late last year. Did you hear that Nirvana's former drummer is forming a band. I think they're going to call it "Foo Fighters." Sartre watched as the pale hacker talked with the man.

Meanwhile on the theater stage Ekaterina paused as she overheard the odd conversations going on with others at the same time through her bugs that were nearby them.

Agent Powers asked, "Any luck?"

Ekaterina elegantly nodded as she replied, "A bit. Choi and Dahlia seem to be looking for a ghost and Alyssa is having a conversation about music. Do you know a band called Nirvana?"

Agent Powers looked it up on his phone and replied, "Oh yeah they were a grunge band in the 90's. The singer died and made the news. Some say his ex wife killed him but I am not sure what happened after that.”

Ekaterina elegantly replied, "Oh I see."

Agent Powers paused then looked at Ekaterina and her lovely visage then whispered, "Do you have super hearing?"

Ekaterina smirked as Agent Powers was on to her. She elegantly replied, "My skill set allows me to search large areas in a short time under ideal conditions."

Agent Powers gave Ekaterina a smolder before he replied, "Cool. My skill set is limited to combat."

Ekaterina smiled elegantly as she replied, "Mr. Powers, you are undervaluing yourself. I am sure there is more to you than you say."

Agent Powers was confused by what Ekaterina said but took the compliment as he kept searching.

Choi played back the recording and the two only heard static. Choi shook his head. He thought he had a good idea.

“Send it to Alyssa,” Dahlia suggested. “She might be able to enhance the recording and eliminate the static between our questions.”

Choi agreed. He hit the button to share the file. Pushing the rhetoric button, it was off to Alyssa.

He typed to Alyssa: See if you might be able to enhance the recording and the pics. I think we have ghosts up here.

Choi then resent the same files to Moon Eun-Ji, so she’d be in the loop. At least he can work as a team member with her.

Sending the files, Choi said to Dahlia, “I like this version of you better.”

Dahlia smiled. She wondered what he would think of her side job.

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