The Templar Women

Dahlia received Kat’s text. She grinned, gave her a few minutes, then walked to Kat’s room. She knocked and there was no answer. Kat must have still been in the shower. Trying the door, Dahlia found that Kat left it unlocked for her. She entered, sitting upon the chair by the lone table in the room.

Ekaterina was in the shower when the dragonfly in her room notified her that someone came in her room. Through shared vision she could see Dahlia in her room and smirked as she spoke loudly, "I'll be done in a bit." Ekaterina rinsed off and then turned off the water before grabbing her towel to dry off.

“Okay Kat,” she said with a smirk. “Powers seems to be under your powers, darling!”

Dahlia opened mini -bar, choosing a red wine. Opening the twist top, she knew not to expect much from the wine. She took a swallow and was disappointed.

Ekaterina got dressed and styled her hair before opening the bathroom door looking alluring as ever as she smiled at Dahlia. She then opened one of her bags to reveal a cooler with mini high class wine bottles in it. She took two out and gave one to Dahlia as she said, "Dahlia who knows how long that bottle has been here. Here." Ekaterina smiled elegantly as she gave her friend the bottle. Then she opened her bottle and sipped it. Ekaterina looked graceful as she enjoyed the feeling of a good wine after her meal. She then looked at Dahlia as she said, "That meeting was entertaining."

Dahlia observed Kat looking delightful as ever. She had no doubt Powers was about to be reeled into the net.

“Thank you, Kat,” Dahlia said full of grace. “Yes, it was. That Marina seems to be trying to nose her way into my territory, but I feel I won a victory tonight.”

She took a sip of the wine Kat had given to her. It was wonderfully refreshing.

“You know all the good wines, darling!” she exclaimed. “Now, what do you have planned for one Max Powers tonight?”

Ekaterina smiled as she sipped her wine again. Then she replied, "Well from what I have seen Powers is a man of action. He was detailed on getting our food and focused on eating his meal even surrounded by pretty women. However I noticed he didn't participate in the conversation during the meeting. Then on our last mission I noticed he protected Alyssa while fiercely attacking the portal. I also noticed he seemed to get along professionally with the others except for Eun-Ji. However I believe he is the loner type since he doesn't seem close to anyone in the group. I have only seen him talking to Choi and Alyssa. To be honest I have considered winning him over through his stomach, but I wager there is more to him than a big appetite, big muscles and a soldier mentality. I think I should simply use kindness with him since he seems lonely." Ekaterina sipped her wine again and then asked, "And how will you turn this around in your favor after Choi got all heated?"

Dahlia smiled as she assured Kat with, “It’s all under control. I’m going to apologetically show up at his door tonight with a bottle of champagne to offer amends. Nothing eases a man’s mind better than bubbly and a sexy woman.”

She sipped from the wine. “Tomorrow at the theater, I hope to weasel my way into working with him. Then, of course, at the bar tomorrow.”

Ekaterina smiled elegantly again at Dahlia, who was very confident in hunting her prey. She wondered how long Choi will be able to resist her charms before breaking. Then she pondered for a bit as she thought about the mission and then asked, "How do you feel about this mission? I have a bad feeling that this mission resembles a sack of vermin waiting to burst out on us."

“Probably so,” Dahlia admitted. “But one thing I noticed during the last mission, no matter how they feel about each other, they come together in a tough spot.”

She giggled, “And I’m going to create a tough spot for Choi tonight.”

Ekaterina giggled elegantly as she heard Dahlia boasting. She replied, "Try not to break him Dahlia. We may need him for the mission. After all he was raised in a monastery so he may be lacking experience with women. I may get complicated if he is distracted by your........ charms."

“Don’t worry, Kat,” Dahlia expressed with another giggle, “I will handle with care. He is necessary for the mission.”

Ekaterina smiled and sat on the edge of the bed ever so gracefully. She sipped her wine and chuckled. Then she asked, "I wonder what my parents would say if I was bold enough to bring Mr. Powers home with me? I bet it would be scandalous." Ekaterina giggled to herself knowing it would be blown out of proportion and the paparazzi would have a field day.

Dahlia really laughed at that. “They’d be after you to abdicate your royalty, wouldn’t they?”

Dahlia sighed. She enjoyed these moments with Kat. They could laugh and joke all the time together. Kat was Dahlia’s escape from stress. But it was getting late, and Dahlia had work to do.

“I’d love to stay for a long while,” she sadly expressed to Ekaterina. “I do enjoy my times with you. But, I’ve got a snare to set.”

Ekaterina giggled and then replied, "Of course. I wish thee good hunting Dahlia. Perhaps I'll check on Mr. Powers for a cup of coffee." Ekaterina then hugged Dahlia as they were parting ways again.

Dahlia gave Kat her usual friendly kiss on the cheek as she received her hug.

“Happy hunting, darling,” she said with a giggle as she departed Kat’s room. She had to quickly find a spirits store.


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