Where Do We Begin?

JP with Trustno1 and Cindy

Alyssa arrived at her room, wondering how she ended up more in charge of things than she wanted to be. She kind of wanted to go back to staying in her van and not really having to deal with most people but that ship has sailed. The last assignment, she hadn't been prepared for how much was going to be thrown at her, in ways she still wasn't but at least a little better. All it felt a little like trial by fire.

She set her laptop back up, streaming the sounds of the Ramones in the background. Now, it was just to wait for Peter to show up.

He was excited to see the hacker again.
"Way to run a meeting Alyssa!The Ramones, that is a way to get you energized. Even more than junk food food. Can you really survive only on junk food? How have you been these past few months? I hope you are sleeping well and your dreams are all right. Have you been sleeping well? Have you spoken to your father?” Peter paused, “I'm not going to lie. I said a few months ago that I really like you Alyssa.” He sat next to her and reached to take her hand.

Alyssa had greeted Peter upon his arrival and offered him a seat on the bed. Then he hit her with a bunch of questions, and she blinked at him. "Maybe, slow down we're not on a time constraint, are we?"

She smiled at him, and sat next to him. "First, thanks. Second, I've survived on junk food this long though I think Max might have snuck some healthy stuff into my food." Alyssa quipped but wouldn't have been surprised if the large man had done that. "After the first two weeks or so of being home my dreams became better. I have not spoken to my father, he's hidden away but I have found out through channels that he's doing well."

When he reached to take her hand, she shook her head. "I do like you but you need to take it slow. I am not the type to jump into things. If things go badly it'll affect us working together." Alyssa sighed. "You can't act how you did in San Francisco. I can't deal with that. If you're willing to just slow down, let us get to truly know each other better, then we might have a chance." The hacker paused. "Business however is business and I don't want things to ever look unprofessional to others. I will never act like Dahlia did tonight with Choi and I would appreciate it if you didn't do whatever the male version of that is.”

"You are right Alyssa. We'll take it slow. I'm glad your dreams have been better, this hotel room is decent, but for the city, would you prefer to be sleeping in your van. We get to investigate the hotel tomorrow. We can finally start doing interviews.
The man that was watching the dragons in the coffee shop. He was also carrying a laptop. I'm sure that will be a good use of your skills.
We'll take things slow, how is it that I can get to know you better though. I care about you. What can I do to help? I was thinking, maybe we could speed things up on a beach in December? He gave her a knowing glance and smile. "For now; what have you been dreaming about? And do you still have that knife? Do you feel comfortable sleeping alone?”

"I would always prefer to sleep in my van but I don't want to make Max's job harder." Alyssa explained. "We just allow ourselves time to do things together outside of work. It shouldn't be hard."

She smiled at the comment about a beach in December. "We'll see."

"Mostly nothing terrible. Sometimes what happened when I was in the book but it's like I'm watching a movie, so it's not scary. And Prue....well not so much dream about her as she appears in my dreams, sometimes. And yes, I still have the knife.” She paused, "Enough about me, what have you been doing all this time?"

"I've just been trying to collect my thoughts and figure out where I'm going with my position in the Illuminati. I had an apartment in Ealdwic. But for now I'm comfortable living in the Illuminati dorms.

Does Prue say anything to you in the dreams? I wonder how she is doing with her sisters since coming back a few months ago."

I find it amazing Alyssa that you listen to The Ramones to relax." He smiled.

"She doesn't ever say anything. It's weirdly almost like she's trying to look out for me. Like a tough ass guardian angel but she's still alive." Alyssa said. "I don't know how she's doing, really. Haven't actually spoken to her since we left but I get the feeling I shouldn't call." Alyssa paused. "I don't know why the thing that's after me has left me alone all this time. I don't think its done with me."

It's a good thing it hasn't visited you, What do you think is keeping it away?"

"I don't know," Alyssa shrugged. "Like I said I'm pretty sure it's temporary."

"Do you feel comfortable sleeping alone?"

"Yes, I'll be fine. Max is right next door." Alyssa didn't want to sleep in the same bed as him again because that got weird.

"It's good your dreams are getting better Alyssa. Have a good night. "

"You do as well. I'll see you in the morning." Alyssa saw Peter to the door and closed the door behind him. She smiled to herself, got an orange soda out of the fridge, hooked up her headphones via Bluetooth and went back to work.

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