Stopping The Unstoppable

JP with Redsword, Jaxx, Trustno1, mdman, Lorem and Cindy

The portal begins to grow larger, it is slowly making its way specifically towards Alyssa, but everyone else in the room will be enveloped by it eventually.

"Alyssa, any ideas?" yelled Sartre.

As Eun-Ji approaches the two men on the lawn, Stephen can be heard telling Eun Ji and the man in black, "You can't stop it.”

Sartre looked to see if Alyssa was still in the room. He backed away from the portal.

Agent Powers then moved four ampules of holy water into his mouth and cracked them with his teeth then, with a mighty wind, he blew them and the glass into the portal hoping it would hurt anything vulnerable to holy water. He kept Alyssa close since she was being affected by the portal.

Eun-Ji rushed out onto the porch, her long hair trailing behind her and her dress flowing to catch up. She looked around and immediately caught sight of the two men, a protagonist and antagonist most likely, caught up in an intense skirmish with each. She used the fact that they were distracted to get closer, three alternative versions of her taking separate routes; encircling the two. She was positioning the four of herself to engage. No there would be no exchange of words with these men, her plan was to try and incapacitate both.

Ekaterina elegantly reached into her purse and pulled out her pistol and she took cover to see what was going on.

Sung saw everything going down. He stayed back for a moment to assess the situation. Sung standing by the door looked at the portal of blackness. Drew his sword in the blink of an eye. The sword glowed with a magic hue. Anima was flowing through Sung and his sword. Sung spoke ancient words as he moved his sword in a way that looked like he was writing something in the air.

A vertical wall of whirling, razor-sharp blades made of magical energy. The wall appears in front of the portal blocking it. The wall covered the entrance of the portal and was 5 feet thick. Sung knew The wall provided cover. If anything came out or tried to go into the portal would be chopped to pieces. The barrier would only last 10 minutes and Sung would have to keep thinking about how to stop this.

Sung moved from the door in one swift movement to Stephen not giving him time to react to Sung's sword. Sung's sword flashed in a magical white ghostly fire as Sung spoke the words "Dragons wind". Sung strikes with the sword the cut is deep blood pours out of the wound.

Choi knew he had to remove himself from the battle. If he were alone, he could fight wounded if his life depended upon it. This was a time he knew those around him could handle the battle.

Getting up from the kneeling position that he was in, Yeong picked up his sword and held it in a defensive position. If he needed to, he would protect any of the others who may be attacked.

Alyssa in her state didn't really notice what Sung had done to the portal. Fortunately, Max could fairly easily hold her back.

The hacker couldn't concentrate on anything but the portal long enough to use her power. She did keep trying to get out of Max's grip but, unless he released her, the effort was futile.

Dahlia fired the last of her clip into the black hole. She backed away, placing another clip into the gun.

Seeing Choi’s pained face and the arm bent awkwardly, Dahlia approached him. Choosing to trust him, she offered her pistol to him.

“I can help,” she assured him.

He nodded in return. He had just met her, but she seemed to know what she was doing.

She uttered, “Chesed.” Light too bright to look at came from her hands. She then said, “Gevura.” What seemed to be a shield over the light so that Choi could look. She then proclaimed, “Sefira.” Verying colors then harmoniously blended with the light, creating a beautiful sight. As her hands touched Choi’s arm, there was a burning sensation. He heard a clicking sound as the bones straightened and fused back together.

Dahlia smiled and asked, “How’s that?”

Yeong flexed and relaxed his fingers. “As good as new!” he replied, handing her pistol back to her.

Dahlia's firing helped somewhat, The portal seemed to slow down and change colors before once again expanding across the room. Sartre felt there was nothing he could do but wait as the portal grew closer. He looked to Alyssa.

Outside, The man they Now newest Stephen was bleeding. It was as if he would only last a few more seconds. "It can't be stopped. " He said to the man choking him as well as Eun Ji and sung. Inside; the portal was going to envelop the whole room. The Halliwell sisters emerged on the stairs with the book of shadows. Just as the portal was about to touch Alyssa's face. They began to chant in unison. "By the power of three,
We sisters decree,
From shadows and night,
Return to your plight.

With forces combined,
And spirits aligned,
We banish thee now,
From here, disavowed.

Nyarlathotep's spawn,
By first light of dawn,
Depart from this plane,
Bound by our chain.

With earth, wind, and fire,
We break your dark spire,
Water's pure flow,
From here, you must go.

By the circle we weave,
No more shall you deceive,
Begone from our sight,
Into eternal night.

So mote it be.”

Outside; Stephen said, "You can't stop it.” Within a second he had simply. vanished.

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