Jump Into A Book

Jp with Redsword, Jaxx, Trustno1, mdman, Lorem and Cindy

As Alyssa opened the book, she was surrounded by a purple flash of light. Although, it was not as it was before, a few nights ago, when it was opened in the living room. This time it seemed more under control. There were no energy blasts coming from the book that would cause furniture to fly across the room.

Alyssa found herself transported to a desert in the evening. It is as if she was seeing it through someone else's eyes. Ahead of the hacker, she could see several obelisks. She had a notebook in her hand, featuring various occult theories as well as theorems of anthropology. It was dated 1920. One of the inscriptions mentioned a mad poet named Abdul Al Hazred." There were ruins of a city in the distance.

Choi stood there beside her, watching the purple light enveloped Alyssa. He shouted to her, “Let me know if you need help; I’ll pull you out!”

Eun-Ji shushed Choi. “Quiet, don’t distract her.” She wasn’t being mean, she just didn’t want him to ruin anything before it had finished its course.


She heard Choi, but he sounded far away. Thinking that they might be able to hear her she started saying words, "desert," "obelisk" ,"1920," "notebook," "Abdul AL Hazared." Alyssa took a closer look at the obelisks looking for markings or a pattern of some kind.


Dahlia then received a text message from the Templar Princess Ekaterina Malysheva Grimaldi. It read, "Hey I just got in town. Where do I meet you and what do I need to bring?" Ekaterina was also recently assigned to the joint team since she became free from her last mission.


The obelisks seem to be covered in ancient writing. Alyssa recognized it as extremely old, but it was indecipherable.

Choi could barely hear her. She sounded far away. He couldn’t even see if she were still standing there with the purple light enveloping her. For all he knew, Alyssa was transported elsewhere.

Yeong looked at Eun-Ji, appreciative that she had joined them. He ensured he took note of all that Alyssa had said from wherever she was: Obelisk; Desert; 1920; Notebooks; Abdul Alhazred. He knew the last one. The Mad Arab Poet. He wrote a book called the Necronomicon. Choi hollered back to Alyssa, “Is the notebook the Necronomicon?”

Dahlia read the text and sent the princess her GPS coordinates.


Having no luck at the obelisks, she decided her next step. "Going to ruins." Alyssa said. She walked towards the city.

As Alyssa entered the ruins, she noticed that the sun had gone down. The young woman realized that she was somewhere in Arabia in the 1920s. The ruins had several side mausoleums with carvings of strange creatures on them. The carvings look like a mixture of humans with fish and Amphibian creatures. There were arrows on the doors that pointed the way to a large temple in the middle of the city.


Agent Powers was watching Alyssa with great concern but knew he was not really able to do much to help her; at this point he remained quiet, patient, alert, armed and ready to engage if he needed to.

"Not Necronomicon." Alyssa said. "Arabia in the 1920s. Carvings - human-fish. To temple." She headed towards the large temple in the center of town.

Alyssa entered the main doors of the temple, and made her way down the ancient steps. As she looked at the walls, she saw that there were hieroglyphics of a highly advanced civilization. The pictures began to show a civilization that had a mastery of technology. A few rows later the hacker began to see reptile-like creatures instructing the inhabitants of the city on how to build. Later she saw the inhabitants of the city worshiping images of fish, human-like amphibians and large reptile-like creatures. Eventually, Alyssa came upon the final picture: The city has been destroyed. All that remained were hybrids. Horrific indescribable creatures that were once human but are now crawling monsters. In front of her stood a large door.


Choi seemed to remember the tales of Sir Lawrence of Arabia. He had discovered ancient temples in the deserts of Arabia. He knew that many of the gods in that part of the world led to the legends of mermaids. Was there a connection?


In her disjointed way, Alyssa relays the information about the hieroglyphics back to the others. Seeing the large door, figuring that she might as well not leave any stone unturned. The hacker headed for the large door.

As Alyssa opened the door, curious about the scratching, she was instantly chased as several reptile-like humanoids rushed towards her. The same one from the hieroglyphics. As terror consumed her, the hacker found herself looking through another person's eyes. There was an old early nineties computer in front of her. Alyssa had written a note and encrypted it for others to find. She saw the floppy disk on the tower, then several alarms went off. They were coming for her; after all these years. Only the sound of boots coming up the stairs could be heard. The only thing she could do was raise her rifle and fire. Just like in Cambodia.

Another quick flash, and Alyssa could see herself. Now looking through Matt Wilson's eyes. As she slowly faded away from view, she felt herself being sucked backwards into a portal. The last glimpses of herself were enveloped in darkness.

A few nights earlier, Alyssa could see the Raven Haired Woman standing outside the door of the hotel room after she had removed the door with telekinesis. She is holding her dagger. Another flash, just last night when Alyssa was talking privately to Prudence in the kitchen. Alyssa had a quick mental flash of the dagger. She saw angels floating above her somewhere in the cosmos. It was raining on a barren planet. Alyssa flashed to an office. Her own private office. She sipped coffee, relaxed. Flicked on the Windows 2000 work PC. She imagined the chefs working in the kitchen. They're probably talking in many languages, listening to New York reggae and latin dance music. Alyssa turned her office chair around and stood up. Holding your coffee in awe. The angel said, “Dark days are here. You will bear witness to the end of days." She stood frozen as a Boeing 747 directly approached her window and face. She was seeing through the eyes of someone who worked in the North Tower. You know what this is. She couldn’t move.


"Piper! freeze her before she falls and hits her head!" you hear Prue shout.

Alyssa couldn't move. She awoke, laying down, suspended in mid-air, looking up at the attic ceiling. "Let her up easy Piper," said Prue.

“Alyssa,are you okay?" asked Sartre.

It was night outside, The front door could be heard opening. "Prue, if you ever hit me again!" yelled Phoebe.

Alyssa hadn't said anything since the reptile-humanoid-like creature had chased her. She took a moment to catch her breath. "I ...I am alright. ..I think." She said nothing else, but turned on her heel and left the attic, went downstairs into the kitchen and sipped some water, as the images played through her mind. She was incredibly thirsty and for once doubted Coke or coffee would work. The hacker sat down as she regained her composure.

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