The Brewing Storm

JP with Trustno1 and Cindy

Peter's description did make her feel more at ease. "I don't know what I'd do on a vacation, even if I could use one." She half smiled at him.

The question about the kiss surprised her, and she was just going to answer when the yelling in the hall interrupted them. "You'd think they'd get along better after one of them was dead for so long. Then again, I really don't get the whole sibling relationship thing." She paused. "Anyway, good night, Agent Sartre." She smiled and winked at him, then rolled over and shortly fell asleep.

Alyssa was jolted awake, She had a strong feeling that she had to do something without Sartre, without anyone. The screams in the other room, screams of terror. They had probably both been asleep for 2 hours. With the feeling being overwhelming she left the room and headed to where the screams were coming from. This venture led her directly to Prue's room. Without knocking or wasting time, Alyssa broke down the door using her ability.

Prue said. “If that is what it has to be, then I’m ready." She then let out a brutal scream. Before running into the hallway bathroom. On Prue's TV the movie "Annie Hall." was on.

Shaking from her nightmare Prue turned on the bathroom light , washed her face in cold water, and looked at herself in the mirror. She felt she wasn’t supposed to be here. If whoever that man was the other night didn’t do what he did, she would just be like all the others. Why her and not those that died on that September morning after she was thrown against the wall in the summer. Why not the over 1000000 people that had died from an infectious disease 4 years ago. Prue became sick.

A few minutes later, she would emerge from the bathroom. "Let's talk in the kitchen Alyssa." Noticeably she did not use her nickname she had given Wilson.

Alyssa watched Prue and then nodded and followed the other woman into the kitchen. She took a seat at the table. The sound from the storm could still be heard, but the storm that seemed to be brewing inside this house seemed to be far more menacing.

“My dream, my nightmare. Alyssa.”

It was clear she was done with the joking and the names.

Alyssa said nothing, out of respect for the woman, just nodded and waited on Prue to speak some more.

"The stars, the cosmos. I never felt so alone. Dreaming Ones. Meaningless. Yet I felt at peace, there were angels, similar to those that we would find in ancient Hebrew literature. I felt that they were the protectors of the universe, but at the same time I wouldn’t trust them either. I guess if I did, knowing that they were good I would have to ask you if you believed in fate Alyssa?”

"I never did. I am unsure now. My beliefs lately have been questioned, strongly questioned." Alyssa explained. "I don't believe everything is preordained though, people have a power greater than they know to affect and change things." It was the best answer the hacker could give.

“There were also others. The Elders. I felt at most peace with them. The most peace I’ve ever felt in my life. I was no longer having a nightmare but some sort of experience. The Elders. I know I’m a good person. The elders. Assured me I was a good person. I constantly question that, watching the events here for the past 23 years. I’m not afraid to die Alyssa. I know where I’m going.”

Alyssa then received a text message, for her eyes only, from Prue.

I’ll see you in your dreams.

Alyssa looked at the message, took a deep breath. And responded. "I'll wait with you as long as you need."

Prue was going, there seemed to be no other option. Despite their rivalry of earlier, this seemed wrong. It was wrong that Prue had to suffer through being brought back only to be ripped from her siblings again. It was a lot to take in, a lot to wrap one's mind around.

"You have the same dreams I do. I wont leave just yet. Actually I don't know when I'll be going back. Just that I will. Prue had tears roll down her face, her eyes filled with sadness. Get some sleep Alyssa. I'll see you tomorrow." Prue headed back to her room.

In the headset: I'm sorry about earlier. Alyssa, are you alright? asked Sartre. The rain picked up once again. Lightning flashed. Blue Tendrils. Thunder boomed as if it were deafening. The windows and the entire manor shook.

Alyssa sat at the table several minutes after Prue left, going over and over what Prue had said. They have the same dreams? How was that possible - unless - no but maybe - no. The young woman didn't want to think about it but there it was. She felt bad for Prue, for her sisters.

What had just happened wasn't really conducive to getting a good night's sleep. Her thoughts interrupted by Satre in the chip. I'm.....

She disconnected the chip, what the hell had she just seen out the window? The manor shaking made her jump slightly. 'Keep it together,' her mind was playing tricks on her. She responded back into the chip. I'm just getting a glass of water, be up in a minute.

True to her word she was back in the bedroom soon after. She laid down and said to Peter, "Sorry, didn't mean to worry you. I'm fine. Goodnight." She rolled over and in her exhaustion fell asleep slightly after.

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