
JP with Trustno1 and Cindy

Sartre went to the large bedroom that they had shared previously. The other night they had watched reruns of "90210". Sartre laid his pentagram necklace on the side table. "You can change into your night suit is the bathroom, if you prefer, Chickey Chick,” Sartre joked. Laughing at the raven haired witch's strange sense of humor. "Though honestly I would like to watch Alyssa.” It is now literally the 11th hour, every other house in the city of San Francisco was enveloped in complete darkness. Only in this house televisions and fans still worked. "I can surf channels if you don't feel comfortable. Personally I don't think you need the sleeping suit, but don't misunderstand, we can't be doing anything like that tonight. I have a bad feeling about what will happen tomorrow.” He picked up the remote and flipped until oddly enough landing on an old episode of Extreme Championship Wrestling.

"Air Sabu, Ready for the Franchise. Sabu heads to the top rope but is intercepted by Francine!" exclaimed Joey Styles on the TV.

Alyssa furrowed her brow in confusion - she had never heard anyone use the term "sleep suit." Nightwear - yes. She had every intention of getting changed in the bathroom. But the suggestion she might not need sleepwear or anything might happen between them made her lose it on him. "When have I ever given you the indication I would sleep next to you with no clothes? I wasn't planning on doing anything with you, except sleep. That's been the deal all along. I had no intention of anything else. I have no idea why you thought I would. And by the way, I hate wrestling." She grabbed her night clothes, went to the bathroom slamming the door behind her. This whole sleeping with him for protection was not going to survive the night if he honestly thought that of her.

That was certainly a blunder. "I didn't mean it that way Alyssa. And your night clothes are very aesthetically pleasing. Though the power of nightmares can be extremely powerful, agent Wilson.”

He flipped the channels a few more times. Gone undressed himself, those still wearing a t-shirt and boxers, He attempted to relax and focused on the TV screen. A game show on SciFi.

She had the door closed, and her earbuds in, so couldn't hear him over the noise.

He hoped she would still join him. That was certainly a blunder. In the chip: I didn't mean it that way Alyssa. And your night clothes are very aesthetically pleasing. Though the power of nightmares can be extremely powerful, Agent Wilson. You are much more volatile than Prue. Danger and dynamite in a small package.” Peter focused his eyes on the TV. He figured Alyssa would really like this show.

The water could be heard off and on indicating someone getting cleaned up. Alyssa really wanted a shower, a nice long shower to drown out the day but thunderstorms and showers don't mix well.

About five minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom. Dressed in black night shorts and a pink sleeveless t-shirt. She sat down on the bed next to him, but only asked. "What are you watching?”

"It's an old hidden camera game show where they tried to scare people. This episode is really old, I don't know what's with all the old footage playing on the TV. This episode would have aired 22 years ago. Relax and laugh, Agent Wilson. And then get some sleep. You haven't had any nightmares lately have you?”

"Oh," Alyssa would try the show. "I don't usually watch a lot of TV." It was just a statement.

She shook her head, nightmares, no but they haven't slept since the ones last night. "Not nightmares but something happened when I was talking with my father.”

"So you were dreaming awake yesterday? And you didn't sleep at all last night?" Peter commented. "That shows extreme skill, you're still able to conduct hacking and research on 24 hours with no sleep. You're giving Cassini a run for her money. How can you do that?" You definitely need some sleep Alyssa. And I love your night clothes."

"Caffeine? I don't know. I do have a lot of practice though. I have run on less sleep, at times. Alyssa explained. "Thanks for the compliment. But, I need to tell someone what happened with my father." She explained what she saw when she had spoken with her father, but that it wasn't real. "Then my father decided that him being near me was like a beacon bringing that thing that's after me to me. That's why he left." She looked down. "I'm scared he's going to disappear and I might never see him again. The thing that is after me that took him is really powerful.”

"He's safe, the labyrinth has what are called wards." If anything Supernatural tries to get past them, they won't be able to. Those wards Have been there since the 1700s. Perhaps we could try to get you two to meet up there. If anything happens I'm sure Kirsten Gary will have something to say about it. He couldn't help but laugh somewhat. You need some sleep hacker. "I really like you though Alyssa." If you're ever scared, just remember you are on a beach in December. I'm going to get that paid vacation for you. And a beach all to yourself. Err... before we go to sleep And wake up to whatever hell we're going to see tomorrow. May I kiss you as a friend Alyssa?"

Across the hall it could be heard as if someone was talking to someone. "You eat stars!" "You cannot awaken!" "Emma. Anima is the key to all of this. Why did I come back?”

More yelling could be heard from what seemed to be Prue's room. "I understand, but I won't follow you either. I won't give up on freedom. I have free will, I will never give up, no matter how good you say you are.”

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