Characters in this post
View character profile for: Peter Sartre
View character profile for: Moon Eun-Ji
View character profile for: Choi Yeong
View character profile for: Alyssa Wilson
View character profile for: Agent Max Powers
View character profile for: Mr. Sung Shun Shi
JP with mdman, Jaxx, Redsword, Lorem, Trustno1 and Cindy
"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Sartre. His MP5 felt heavy in his hands as he began to feel fatigued.
Alyssa suddenly felt like she was carrying a ton, and as tired as pulling several all-nighters in a row. "Decay. The dead? Maybe they want one of us to sacrifice ourselves, or give them, or it, blood. Either way it doesn't sound good." As Alyssa was speaking she was moving closer to the wall. She put her hands on it, and had the others back away. "I could, maybe, take down the wall or try to dismantle it." A rat ran across the floor. "Or I could just give it some blood.”
Sartre said. "I'll give blood with you." He pulled out a tactical knife and tossed it to the hacker.
Catching the knife, [i]Well, here goes possibly everything.[i] Alyssa thought. Her fingers were valuable and even a paper cut made her job harder, so she opted for an area mid way up her forearm. Making a cut, not too deep, but big enough to bleed. The hacker them stood at the door allowing the blood to drip down.
Spikes rose from the door with a handprint in the middle. It wanted them to stab themselves with the spike in both hands all the way one on each side.
Alyssa stared at the spikes, "This is going to be painful. Someone stand behind me, in case I pass out." Alyssa closed her eyes for a second and took a few deep breaths.
Sartre stood behind the thin hacker. "I'll go after you Alyssa.”
Alyssa took one more breath, trying to focus on something else, and quickly, not giving herself a chance to blackout, impaled her hands on the spikes.
The pain shot through her hands and into her arms, she managed to not scream but did turn as white as a ghost.
"You alright Alyssa?" Sartre stepped up to place his hands on the spikes, careful to not jump at the pain.
Alyssa glared at Satre for just a flicker. "No, I just stabbed both of my hands with spikes. No, I am not okay. Maybe hold off stabbing yourself till we know if it's necessary." She sort of hissed her words, but it was the pain talking and she now wasn't sure if she should remove her hand from the spikes or if they needed to stay there.
Choi wasn’t able to move as fluidly as he was used to. He tried to go through the motions of dahnmudo, to give Alyssa some positive energy, but it was useless. He was not able to do the motions as he should.
Yeong couldn’t hold back the snicker from Alyssa’s sarcasm. She definitely was spunky. Although, the way he was brought up in the monastery caused Choi to regret not being able to help her.
"I'll wait. You are definitely a Lumie Girl Alyssa." said Sartre. He was concerned about the lacerations on her hands.
Agent Powers was feeling tired and concerned he might revert back to his kid form. He dropped his jaw in awe as he saw Alyssa mutilate her hands and drain her blood to open the evil door. He considered the idea but knew it was not a good idea since he was the muscle and needed his strength for what was on the other side of the door. He replied, "I really hope we can get your hands fixed considering you need them for your computers. If we do get the door open should I toss a few grenades in to deal with what's inside before we go in?”
It took Choi much effort to even raise his brows. “Grenades?” he thought aloud. “In an unstable underground? I don’t want to bring this ceiling down upon us or have the percussion begin a vibration which will trigger the fault line here.”
"Should I try it Alyssa?" asked Sartre.
Moon remained at present a spectator of the drama unfolding. She had thought about trying to slow everyone down to think this through before so courageously following the doors prompt. If it took such an act to open the door then perhaps the evil on the other side of it, while free, could not get past the door. By opening it, they could have played right into its wishes. She sighed as that train of thought was made null and void. Her illusions and her waited far enough away from the scene to be on the edge of what would count as being a part of the group.
Agent Powers kept his guard up as he was ready to take action as soon as the door opened. He was very focused on whatever evil that lurked inside. Granted he was lacking in the detective skills and wisdom of the others, he was still good at combat. Oddly enough he was rated quite high despite his age. He then spoke up like a hardened adult, "We don't know what is on the other side of this door, but we can all agree that it will be bad either way. I was trained to fight in insane odds against horrible people and monsters, so I will go in and kill the enemy even if I am alone. But I want to say this now.........if you can't handle it or plan to run it now. I won't hold it against you if you can't handle it, but if your pride gets anyone hurt or killed, I won't be nice about it. Alyssa please hang back with someone, since you need medical attention. I plan on attacking from the front, so if any of you plan to join me.......split up and flank from the right and left side to avoid friendly fire." Agent Powers gave everyone a serious smolder before he said, "Any last minute thoughts or questions?”
Power’s bravado was beginning to rub Choi the wrong way. It was almost as if the man was overcompensating for something else.
“I think you need a little more testosterone there Powers,” Yeong mused. “I got an idea. Why don’t you go after those guys that hijacked the tractor trailer full of Viagra. Here’s a little hint: You’ll be looking for hardened criminals.”
Choi slowly got prepared to battle. It seemed to take forever to lift his sword into strike position. It seemed so heavy.
Alyssa rolled her eyes. She was losing a lot of blood and didn't do this to just have them go in shooting without knowing what they were shooting at. "Max, settle down. First of all, we don't know who's behind that door, what if it's the guy we're trying to rescue - might - be - se -. Alyssa's head started to spin and then the hacker fell unconscious.