The Dragons Arrive

JP with mdman, Jaxx, Trustno1, Redsword and Cindy

Sung walked in almost feeling out of place he was overdressed with his slacks and a button-up long slive shirt. Sung did not look like a cop or give that impression. More like a businessman.

A dark-haired somewhat heavy woman was talking to Alyssa. Then looked past Alyssa at Sung as we walked up behind Alyssa. The dark-haired woman smiled "Sir be with you in a minute" She told Sung.

A tan woman with long blonde hair was stacking the shelves behind the counter and looked over to Sung and Choi. now things were looking a bit wired and the feel of the place shifted. some.

"Thank you" replied Sung giving his own polite smile with a slight bow to the dark-haired woman. not wanting to possibly blow any covers he got a supervised smile "Hay
Velma, I did not think I would find you in a place like this aren't you a little young?" Sung said his tone almost sarcastic but nice it was kind of strange. Like long-lost friends but playful in some way.

As Agent Powers was acting casual on his look out he saw an SUV parking nearby and a familiar face get out. He used his chip to let Alyssa know the Dragons have arrived.

[i]Oh, great. What, are they going to blow another hole in the building?[i] Alyssa thought. In to the chip she thanked Max, then spoke to Peter. "We're about to have company of a green kind." When the very same people would enter the store.

Is she too young? She responded by barely looking at Sung. "Aren't you too old?"

Piper and Phobe looked at each other. Then Piper spoke up, pointing at Sung. "Let me guess, Dragons? Look we were telling these two," she pointed at Alyssa and Peter. "We don't want any. We'll have nothing to do with it."

When Choi saw Alyssa, he smirked and gave her a wink, “Well, if it isn’t the Little One! I thought we may get see you here!” Then his face turned more serious as he said, “I am glad you are alright.”

Yeong heard what Piper had said. “Perhaps you can lead us in the right direction,” he encouraged. “Do you know who Emma is? We,” he pointed at Alyssa, “have seen things. Things too awful to imagine. What does this mass killing in a mansion have to do with it. Right now, we have a bunch of dots strewn all around. We’re hoping you can connect them.”

Meanwhile Agent Powers was still keeping watch as he was lip sinking his favorite songs from his phone. He thought this was a good way to look like he was having a real conversation in public.

Outside a gray overcast seemed to envelope the sky as it began to lightly rain.

Agent Powers sighed as it began to rain. So he reached into his backpack and pulled out an umbrella. Once he opened it and was good he resumed his lip sync to his favorite songs from his phone while trying to pretend he was talking on the phone.

Alyssa gave Choi a small smile, "Good to see you healed well." She wondered if Sung had anything to do with that or Choi somehow healed himself but didn't ask.

Piper shook her head at Yeong’s question. "Emma, no I have no idea who that ..."

The look on her sister, Phoebe's face stopped Piper dead in her tracks. The blank look in Phoebe's eyes, a clear indication her mind was somewhere else. Only uttering the words, "It can't be."

Piper waited for her sister to come out of whatever state she had been in. Phobe blinked and was back as quickly as her mind had wandered. Phobe pulled Piper aside and the two whispered to each other in a conversation only meant for their ears. There seemed to be some kind of slight disagreement until Piper said in an exhausted tone, "If you must."

Phobe went directly to Alyssa "Be careful, no one knows who might show up in hotels. Some are unfriendly."

Piper spoke up, "That's all any of you are getting from us. Now, if none of you are buying anything can you kindly leave."

< Prev : Arriving Next > : Exit IIlumanti from P3