Characters in this post

View character profile for: Peter Sartre

View character profile for: Alyssa Wilson

View character profile for: Agent Max Powers
JP with Jaxx, Trustno1 and Cindy
Soon enough they arrived at P3. The store was a white wooden building with deep purple trim. Alyssa went towards the back of the van and looked at the screen showing outside the store. She downed her coffee, before saying. "It looks clear."
Peter spoke to her through the chip. "Alyssa can you come in with me, they will have more rapport with you, you can do this! Do you want another room tonight? I worry about you having another nightmare."
"I was thinking about taking the suite on the other side of you, but we can discuss that later. Yeah, I'll come in and try but I'm not really skilled at talking people into things." Alyssa responded
"You will do great Alyssa!" Sartre gave words of encouragement.
The computer hacker wasn't so sure but agreed to go into the store. "Max can you wait outside the van. Watch for anything suspicious. Let us know of we need to get out of there?"
Agent Powers put his phone down as Alyssa spoke to him. He paused his game and put his phone in his pocket. Oddly enough it didn't bulge out like it should have. There was something odd about his clothing when he was in beefcake form. He replied, "Uhhh.....yeah sure." Agent Powers then got out of the van and pulled out his phone to pretend he was talking on the phone as he looked around. He after seeing no threats he replied through his chip to Alyssa, "Looks clear so far. If it gets bad I can make a distraction for you to escape." Then Agent Powers played a song with the volume very low so only he could hear it as he mouthed the lyrics along. He whispered, "Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk
I'm a woman's man, no time to talk
Music loud and women warm, I've been kicked around
Since I was born
And now it's alright, it's okay
And you may look the other way
We can try to understand
The New York Times' effect on man
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother
You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin'
And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive
Oh, when you walk"
Alyssa responded to Max, in her chip. "Sounds good." Then to Peter. "It's clear. "
They got out the van and headed into the shop.
The apothecary was full of several trinkets and items. The legalization of hemp products was very noticeable. A lot of the products on the shelves were labeled as "magical."
Sartre stated into Alyssa's chip "You're going to have to start slow but eventually let them know that we know who they are and that they can help us fix whatever is wrong in the city.
A young woman and her teenage daughter were leaving the store, San Francisco was still busy despite all the bizarre occurrences that have been going on.
"Those conventions are the geekiest damn things I've ever seen." Said the woman. "Who looks better that one girl or me."
"Honestly I thought that one girl looked alright "said the daughter."
The mother looked in shock inhaling a gasp of what seemed to be terror.
The two agents stepped into the shop. Alyssa started looking around at the products.
A dark-haired lightly heavy woman stood behind the counter. A woman with a tan and long blonde hair was stacking the shelves.
Sartre realized the two aged Yet familiar faces as those of Piper and Phoebe Halliwell. Alyssa also realized who they were having seen their pictures on her computer.
The dark haired woman came out from behind the counter, she glanced over at Peter but focused her attention on Alyssa. "Can I help you with anything?"
"Oh, thank you. This shop is great, to be honest I'm not even sure where to start." Alyssa replied. It was easy to fake not knowing much about the items in their because she really just didn't. Most were not what she focused on. As for the supply of THC, Alyssa really had no idea because she wasn't going to risk it with a not quite right bee inside of her. "I was looking for something to help with sleep, maybe stress."
The back haired woman, Piper, thought for a moment. "Well, you can go with CBD with no THC or THC. Personally, I've always thought this one works best for anxiety." Pointing out a small bottle of drops, encased behind glass.
Piper and Phobe seemed to eye Alyssa, then Peter, then Alyssa again. Piper then said. "Perhaps you like to see some of the things we have at the counter."
"Yes," Alyssa went to the counter with the woman.
Piper pretended to show Alyssa some books from behind the counter but said, "OK, I'd buy you wanting something for anxiety but the guy with you - really, who are you and what's going on?"
Alyssa spoke in a hushed tone. "We are agents - IIlumanti agents. You must have noticed odd things happening here. I mean stranger than usual."
By thus point Phobe had joined the discussion, "Yes, of course we noticed. What about it?"
"We think you might be able to help us," Alyssa said.
"No, we don't do that any longer." Piper replied.
"But..." Alyssa started, but was cut off.
Piper repeated. "No, look we get what you're doing and why but we want no part of it. And to be frank if I were you I'd want no part of it either." She wasn't cold, just matter of fact.
Satre heard all of this because that's when he spoke up, "You can't help us or you won't.