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Shadow Loss
JP with Lorem and Redsword
Sung took advantage of the moment attacking the Shade with two attacks this time with another translucent Wakizashi cutting whatever could be left with the two strikes the swords cut like a hot blade through butter. this strike should kill the Shade thought SUng.
There was almost a whimper sound escaping the creature as one strike sliced through its prehensile tail with the barb on the end. The appendage went flying across the room and knocking over a bunch of junk. The right arm finally fell off completely and landed with a sickening thud on the concrete. The second blade would have ended it; however, it protectively brought up its left arm as it flinched backwards with an irregular arch in its spine. The left forearm was sent flying across the basement in the opposite direction.
The creature howled in spite and defiance at Master Sung. It lunged at him, face first in an effort to bite a gaping hole in the man.
The lights began to return to their initial luminosity.
Sung had been doing this too long to be fooled. He moved his swords using a patient Defense it seemed like Sung moved in the blink of an eye speed and almost appeared to the side of the Shade. his swords agen being ready to strike. The Shade probably did not stand a chance.
The vile and ruined creature was in no physical condition to avoid the killing blow. It’s head was severed from its body cleanly. Due to the forward momentum of the lunge, when it hit the ground the body slid a yard before friction brought it to a halt. The head, though, rolled much further before it came to rest up against an empty basket. No further movement could be seen coming from its lifeless form. The coldness and sense of dread dissipated from the atmosphere. The fight had come to an end.