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View character profile for: Peter Sartre

View character profile for: Choi Yeong

View character profile for: Alyssa Wilson

View character profile for: Agent Max Powers

View character profile for: Mr. Sung ShunShi
Monster's War
JP with Trustno1, Lorem and Cindy
"Weren't these three sisters smart enough not to leave shades in Jars?” Satre commented. "Don't go chasing waterfalls" was probably on the radio when they put it in there.” He fired once more, missing. Another shot missed. four left. The next shot was spot on. He looked the computer tech in the eyes and then fired at the creature.
Many of the images Alyssa saw were very real vivid memories. Memories usually play out in dreams. Some through the shadow created to make things worse.
Pinned to the ground, her mind being assaulted she came close to retreating into her mind but managed not too.
Next thing she knew the creature was collapsing off of her. She hadn't realized who had come into the basement until then.
With it off her, Alyssa wasted no time. She was worn enough that getting up required too much effort so the young woman crawled out of the way and away from the creature as quickly as possible.
The next shot Satre misses. He had two more shots, with Alyssa out of the way he hit a direct hit. Sartre had one shot left. Another direct hit. He dove for cover and watched the scene as he reloaded.
The monster was now fighting a war on multiple fronts. This was not how it operated. It had not experienced opposition like this before and was not prepared to respond well.
More shots came in its direction. One hit its right shoulder, completely shattering the connection to its torso. The right arm hung limp by a few strands of skin. Gravity was causing the skin to stretch, so it was only a matter of time before it completely fell off.
The other shots struck its midsection, causing wounds that would eventually bleed out for a living being, but in the short term it pissed it off into more of a rage.
The creature eyed the closest threat, Master Sung, and attempted to attack. It was a poor attempt due to its current condition; however, still potentially harmful if not defended or avoided.
"When we meet these sisters!” Sartre said.