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View character profile for: Choi Yeong

View character profile for: Alyssa Wilson

View character profile for: Agent Max Powers
Curiouser and Curiouser
JP with mdman, Jaxx and Cindy
“Why would that book be out in the stand instead of in one of the tubs?” Choi asked Alyssa.
Alyssa looked around, to see if she spotted anything else out of place but nothing stood out. Of course, she also didn't know what they were looking for. "I don't know. It looks special, in some way. The Sisters were witches, could it be a spellbook?”
Yeong glanced at the front of the book. It read, The End Rite. It definitely sounded like a spell book. A creepy name for one, but a spell book for sure.
“Hey Powers,” Choi said, “I think we found something here.”
Looking at the small girl next to him, Choi said, “Well Alyssa, should we open it?”
The curiosity of the moment was getting to the petite young woman. "Yes, I definitely think we should open it." Hopefully, nothing horrible would happen.
Meanwhile Agent Powers was going through the tubs with some very mixed results. He was not sure what he was looking for but he found a lot of stuff that raised a lot of questions. He wondered if the people who lived here were actors or really liked Halloween. He found all types of clothing such as skimpy swimsuits, large rainbow fish scales, skimpy clubwear, skimpy Egyptian bikini wear, skimpy everyday wear, skimpy witch clothing, skimpy military clothing and more odd but skimpy outfits. Poor Agent Powers was not sure how to handle such risky outfits as a male teenage virgin with poor social skills. He was doing his best to not get too excited as he wondered what kind of women would wear such clothing in public. Among the skimpy clothing he also found a lot of odd jewelry that looked like it would be in a Halloween costume catalog. Then he found a large book and opened it. He was very surprised to see several pretty women in the photo scrapbook. It was obvious the women were close and possibly family. In the book he found photos of the women in the house and at some club. There were even some of them at their jobs trying to look important. He wondered if this was important so he held onto it for Alyssa as he looked to see where she was.
Yeong wanted to listen to the voice of reason. The End Rite kind of sounded final. But Choi was curious, and spurred on by the mysterious Alyssa, who still had her hoodie up, he gave into the temptation.
Reaching out, Choi said, “Here goes nothing.” He opened the front cover to reveal the first page.