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View character profile for: Choi Yeong

View character profile for: Alyssa Wilson

View character profile for: Agent Max Powers
Shedding Light
Jp with mdman, Jaxx and Cindy
"No problem," Alyssa half-shrugged. It wasn't often she got to use her only power, there wasn't much use for it in her van.
"Well, I'm glad he's on our side as well." Alyssa agreed, glancing back briefly at the hulk of a man behind her and wondering what would happen if the Dragons saw him transform.
She focused back on the task at hand. "Well, should we start looking." She unclipped a small set of keys from her pants, and took off a small flashlight that wasn't as bright as the latern but good enough to do the job.
“Yes,” agreed Choi. He lifted the lantern higher, looking for anything that seemed out of place. What would look out of place in a basement? Yeong had no idea.
There were cases of papers, belongings, and very old stuff all throughout the basement. An off room in the back had an old oil furnace that must not have run in quite a while.
“Maybe there’s something in the plastic tubs,” Yeong suggested. “Do you think we should search them?”
Agent Powers looked around in the dark basement as he saw Alyssa's small flashlight. Then he remembered he had a small headband flashlight that was used to work on cars. It was a gift from his father to use for work in the dark since he kept breaking his flashlights during fights. So he pulled it out of his pocket and put it on and adjusted it before turning it on. Oddly enough since he was tall he didn't blind the others when he looked around. He replied, "I found my light.”
Choi Yeong wondered how Powers had lost a light in a pocket of pants that were so tight they were like a second skin due to muscles of which a steroid stuffed professional wrestler would be proud. He raised a brow and looked to Alyssa. At least she seemed to be bright.
“Good,” Choi stated, “maybe you can search these tubs since you have a handless light. Let us know if you have something.”
He looked to the petite Alyssa. She was young. Her expertise must have gotten her here. “Alyssa, care to join me in looking for anything out of place?”
Agent Power gave Choi a shrug and began to move the tubs aside and open them to see their contents. Seeing as it was going to be hard to tell what was important he began moving them in a series of rows and opening them to make it easier to check all the rows from both sides. He also stacked the lids nearby and then began sorting through them. Granted he had no idea what he was looking for.
Alyssa also had no idea how Max could lose anything in his clothing. Then again, he didn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed. She decided there were more important things than trying to figure Max out, at the moment.
Leaving the tubes to Max, she was certainly willing to search with Yeong. "Sure," Alyssa said as she helped the green man look around.
Sartre made his way to the attic, he was careful around Eun Ji, who had made her presence known, have you found anything Miss Eun Ji? These papers probably contain something of value, someone scattered them up here as well as painted the messages on the wall. We stand in the same room as the Book of Shadows.
Looking around, Choi Yeong saw a stand. Lifting the lantern a little higher, it appeared a book was on the stand.