Introduction to the World of Trespassers

The Visitation:

Fifty years ago on January 1st, strange lights appeared in the sky and then the lights transformed into cosmic abstract shapes. Millions died suddenly, others were mutated by the event, and the world was eternally scarred. After that event on New Year's Day there were no further sightings of the lights but there was a global panic and super governments were hastily formed to respond to the event. Early investigations into the most ravaged zones of Earth lead to the discovery of strange items many made up of non-Earth materials, the governments of the world have researched these items for both good and nefarious reasons. Some have even attempted to weaponize the remnants of the visitation. Now those who are brave enough trespass into these same zones in search of post-visitation treasures. But not everyone make it out alive...

The World:

What was once the continent of Europe is now known mainly as Europa, the central government in mainland Europa is the EPERG (European Post-Event Response Government) they control the borders around the various visitation zones. One of the key organisations within EPERG is the Department of Visitation Research which employs scientists from across Europa to investigate the strange technology and dangers left behind by the visitors. Department scientists are the only people authorized to enter the zones.
The Flag of Europa
The Department of Visitation Research

Major Zones of Europa:

There are multiple zones across the continent, while the devastation of the visitation spreads across the entire world the zones are allocated by their level of radioactivity, scientific significance and level of danger. The most prominent zones are as follows:

Zone Athelstan
A large zone which covers around 85% percent of the island of Great Britain, the zone is massive stretching from south Scotland down to the English midlands and Wales. It is one of the most lawless zones with multiple groups trespassing into the area.

Zone Gallia
A zone which covers the north and coastal regions of France and parts of Belgium. One of the most explored zones by the Department, they have a strong foothold on the area with multiple research outposts dotted around the zone.

Zone Iberia
Another very large zone, which covers most of the Iberian peninsula. This zone is known for its numerous deadly hazards and rapidly mutated wildlife.

Zone Sarmatia
A zone that is mostly made up of regiond around the coast of the Black Sea. One of the least explored zones, even by the Department.

Zone Lechia
Another very large zone, but very hard to navigate. It covers parts of Poland and Germany, predominantly covered in a very dense pale woodland.

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