A Shared Respite

Sewer - Sheridan, Wyoming

Finlay allowed himself to be guided to a dry spot against the cement wall, his body trembling.

When Lydia opened the can of beans and handed him a plastic spoon, Finlay's stomach grumbled loudly in anticipation. He offered a weak but grateful smile as she approached with the bottle of water.

With some assistance, he sipped from the bottle, the cool water soothing his parched throat and quenching his thirst. The warmth of the makeshift meal, combined with Lydia's kindness, began to revive him, even if just a little. As he ate, he couldn't help but think of the support he was receiving and how it mirrored the care he remembered from his own family. It was a flicker of hope in the midst of a dire situation.

“Sssooo hhhow many tttimees you make this trippp?” He stuttered. It seemed clear that she had done this before.

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