Open Changing Room

Sewer - Sheridan, Wyoming

Finlay's shivering form stood before Lydia, his body wracked with the chill of the sewer, soaking wet clothing clinging to his skin. The prospect of dry clothes and food was a lifeline he could hardly refuse, despite his exhaustion and confusion in his current hypothermic state. The girl's tired but sincere smile gave him a sense of comfort.

With his eyes tightly shut and face flushed, Finlay reached out, accepting the offered hoodie and sweatpants. He struggled to suppress the awkwardness he felt at his current predicament. His transformation had made him female, and the unfamiliar contours of his new body were disconcerting. Heck, he had never seen a naked woman before, and if he wasn’t careful he would be the first he ever saw.

"Th-thank you," he stuttered, his voice quivering as much as his body. Finlay moved off a small ways into the dark of the sewer line to get some semblance of privacy and so he couldn’t see himself. Lydia would hear him struggling to get the wet clothes off his body. He had to use the wall to help stabilize his balance. It was a struggle but he was able to strip and get the new clothes on. He then wrung out his wet clothes and bundled them together.

When he returned to Lydia, With a shaky hand, he gestured toward the canned food and water bottles. "Y-yes, please. Anything to eat and drink. Buttt l let’s ssshare." His stomach had been growling in protest for a while now, and the promise of sustenance was too tempting to resist, regardless of the circumstances.

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